christmas surprise - gaz

Start from the beginning

When I had finished decorating the inside of our house I moved on to the outside. We didn't have a big house, so there wasn't much in terms of needing to decorate outside. I shivered, pulling my jacket closer as I lined the ladder up.

When I finished I stood back and examined my handy work. It wasn't as good as when Gaz did it, but it wasn't awful. I had done a pretty good job and was proud of the accomplishment.

I rushed back inside and pulled off my coat, letting the warmth seep back into my bones. I turned off the music and put on a Christmas movie as I started to wrap gifts. Friends' gifts were wrapped and placed under the small tree I had been able to get. I moved onto wrapping Gaz's gifts. There seemed to be about a million of them. They had started to accumulate because he missed his birthday, Valentine's Day, and our anniversary. So all of those presents, on top of the Christmas presents I got him, ended up taking over half the space under the tree.

When I had finished everything, I smiled, content with my work. There was only a week till Christmas. I usually would have done this all at the beginning of the month, but I had wanted to wait for Gaz.


The week flew by quickly and I found myself sitting sadly alone on my couch for Christmas Eve. I got up in the Christmas pajamas I had bought that were supposed to match Gaz's. Despite it being late, I decided to make Christmas cookies and keep my mind off of how lonely I was.

I hummed along softly to the Christmas music that was playing softly in the background. I would have liked to have the music blasting, but it was already past midnight and I didn't want to disturb my neighbors.

The apron I had on was covered in flour and I was sure it was in my hair and on my face. I wasn't exactly the best or cleanest baker.

I rolled the cookie dough into little spheres, placing them carefully and precisely spaced. The smell of the peppermint from the candy canes I had crushed up and sprinkled inside with the chocolate chips filled the room with a holiday aroma.

I put the batch into the oven and sank to the floor with the bowl of leftover cookie dough. There wasn't enough for another batch, and I liked eating cookie dough.

While I had been baking I might have had a couple of drinks. Not enough to get completely drunk, but enough to get me tipsy. I had gotten so focused on eating the cookie dough I hadn't heard the front door open.

"Have a holly jolly Christmas. It's the best time of the year," I lazily sang. I stuck another spoonful in my mouth. My eyelids were droopy and my head felt heavy due to the alcohol.

"Darling?" A soft voice said from the doorway to the kitchen. My head snapped to the source.

"Kyle?" I asked in disbelief. "You're here!" I exclaimed, jumping up from the floor and abandoning the bowl. I rushed over to him and jumped onto him, to which he caught me with ease.

"Missed you, darling." He mumbled into my hair where he held me close. His grip was tight, like he never wanted to let go.

"You're home." I hiccupped as tears fell down my cheeks.

"Don't cry darling. I told you I'd be home for Christmas. I promised."

"But you said- and Price-"

"Yeah the old man decided to be Santa rather than the Grinch this year. Made sure we finished early so we could go home." He explained. He placed me down on the ground but still held me close.

A smile grew on my face. "Go! Go change! Your pajamas are in the bedroom and cookies are almost done. I can get you some eggnog and we can open a present tonight. If you wanna watch a movie-" I started to ramble excitedly.

Gaz chuckled at me and moved quickly to the bedroom to change. He was back out in an instant dressed in the matching clothes. He smiled at me and came back over, pulling me in close. He had a Santa hat on and I giggled as he pulled out mistletoe and held it over our heads.

"Oh, would you look at that?" He grinned. I pulled him down and kissed him until the oven dinged signaling the cookies were ready. I spun around to get them, but he stopped me and pulled me back in for another kiss.

"Kyle! The cookies are going to burn!" I said between kisses.

"Let them."

I smacked his chest and he let me go. I pulled the cookies out and placed them on the counter to cool. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the living room.

I sat him on the couch and rummaged around through his presents. "Which one do you want to open? Or do you want to open all the non-Christmas presents? Either is fine. It's up to you-"

"Darling, you choose." He told me. He let the dogs head as it lay in his lap.

I grabbed a small one and handed it to him. Gaz excitedly unwrapped it and opened the box. Inside was a small metal rectangle. He pulled it out and examined it before opening it. It was a small travel photo frame with a picture of us inside.

He looked at me but didn't say anything.

"I thought maybe you could keep it on you during missions? In case you got lonely or homesick or needed a reminder for what you're working for." I mumbled. "It's kinda dumb. There's better presents-"

He pulled me in and kissed me like it was the last kiss we would ever share. I knew he loved me, but there was something more to this kiss. Like I was the only thing important to him.

"I love it. I love you. It's perfect." He told me.

I smiled at him.

"My turn." He said.

"Huh?" I questioned. I didn't expect him to get me anything.

"Close your eyes." He told me. I did as he said but could hear him shuffle around and get off the couch. I was intrigued, absolutely curious. My mind wracked for what it could be.

"Okay, open them." He whispered. He sounded nervous.

I slowly opened my eyes and my hands moved to cover my mouth. There sat in his hands an open ring box showing the most beautiful sparkly ring I had ever seen. Gaz was on one knee and looking at me with an anxious smile.

"I know I'm a lot to handle. I'm gone a lot and am in a dangerous line of work. I know that this isn't the life you expected, nor is it the one you deserve. But, my life is so much better with you. You make me a better man. You allow me to relax and feel normal. Darling, I love you so much. So if you'll have me, I'd love to have you in my life forever. Please marry me."

Once again, tears fell from my eyes. I nodded my head, unsure if my voice would work. I threw my arms around him and cried out a weak 'yes'. He hugged me back before pulling away and sliding the ring on my finger. I pulled him into a kiss

"I love you, Kyle."

"I love you too, darling."

Best Christmas ever. 

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