Christmas special chapter

Start from the beginning

"Taehyung.. you wouldn't sulk over the phone if there's nothing happened. Just tell me what's wrong? Do I have to come over and get you out of there or what? What do you want to do?"

"he's ignoring me..." She got teary telling it to her bestie

"ignoring you? I know Jungkook. He won't ignore you. He's glued to you!"

"but he is... I just told him no kisses for the whole week if he dares to peek what I'm wrapping for him"

Jimin got silent thinking of reason why Jungkook acting like that

"maybe he's going to wrap his gift for you this time.."

"maybe? But he doesn't need to ignore me after I back hugged him!" Taehyung pouts more. He didn't know that Jungkook is listening to her all this time.. he didn't mean to hurt her but it's all part of the plan. He wants to surprise her too.

Tonight is Christmas eve and she wants to surprise her.. he orders food for them from a high class restaurant and he needs her to be away from their apartment for him to prepare it.. he calls Jimin while she's busy wrapping her gift

"C'mon Tae.. I'll treat you ice cream.. I'm on my way. I'll pick you up"

"Alright... Maybe he doesn't want me to spend the Christmas eve here anyway" her heart literally stings thinking her fiance doesn't care where she's going

Jimin cuts the call and few minutes later Jimin is ringing their doorbell. Jungkook doesn't even attempt to know who is their visitor at that time

He stays in the room laying on the bed, phone on the side bed table. He acts like he's taking a nap

Taehyung opens the door a little to see what's he is doing

"I'll be going for a walk for a while" she says to Jungkook but she only receives a humm from him

Taehyung walks out of the apartment with Jimin on her side going to the nearest ice cream parlor

"She doesn't even bother to ask me where I'm going... Or who's with me?!" She plays with her ice cream that already melting in a cup

"Don't think to much about him, maybe he got tired" he reasoned out

"Tired? He doesn't wash the dishes this lunch. He doesn't even prepare a snack for us this afternoon! How can he get tired!"

Hours pass till she notice that it's already 8pm. She's hungry and thought of Jungkook... He must've waiting for her to return

"I have to go now Jimin.. I still need to cook for our dinner"

"okay.. let's go"
They both stand up to go home


Jimin take his leave after he makes sure that Taehyung is ringing their doorbell but no one is opening the door for her

She sighed deep thinking Jungkook fell asleep.

"He didn't get worried for me returning this hour while he's not usually like this... He usually flooding my inbox with his messages full of worries"

She try to turn the doorknob and it opens. But the light is off. The whole apartment has no lights.. she runs a hand searching for the switch on the wall and she clicks it

The one she pushed is the lights to the side corridor through their room. She walks in closing the door behind her when a light turns on like a firefly in the living room. Jungkook is there waiting for her in his polo shirt and a black pair of jeans

A round table beside him with a meal and he's holding a bouquet of red roses for her

Taehyung instantly has tears in her eyes staring at her handsome boyfriend

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