About the Author.

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That's my face ^^^

Alright. So this is the last thing I'll ever post on this story. I decided to replace the outdated About the Author part, and make it more relevant.

Hi! I'm Jax. I'm twenty currently. I play guitar and sing, I'm a writer (obviously), and I love animated shows and movies.

It's my ultimate dream to one day be able to screen write for my own animated TV show. I already have a concept and everything that's in the works.

I'm a certified WSI (Water Safety Instructor). So, basically I teach kids to swim. It's an amazing job, and I love the kids I see every week.

So that's basically everything about me currently. It might change, it might not. We'll see. But this is the last time there will be anything posted to this story. Thank you all so much for the support you've given this story. It means so much to me that my writing can really impact people. There will be more stories to come, and updates on my current ones. Hopefully soon. Thanks again, everyone!

-Jax K.

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