40k Reads Special Note!

2.3K 53 34

Wow! Forty thousand reads. I can't even believe it. I never thought that people would like my writing this much, and I never thought that I would get such positive reactions. Writing is my passion, and I'm so glad that people can enjoy my work.

Anyways, in order to celebrate this many reads, I thought I would let you guys in on some facts about me, this story, and my connection to it. Enjoy!

Fun Facts about 'You Will Be Found'

Fact One: The title of the book is based off a song from the Musical 'Dear Evan Hansen'. (I happen to be a huge fan of that soundtrack).

Fact Two: I am actually on the autism spectrum myself, and wrote this story because I see a lot of myself in Luz Noceda's character.

Fact Three: In the chapter 'Coming Home', I used the song Coming Home from a band called the 88. I actually know this band personally because my father grew up with them. The lead singer and I are friends on Facebook😂.

Fact Four: The Owl House is actually the show that helped me come out to my family as part of the LGBTQ+ community. It has made a huge impact on my life.

Fact Five: My dream in life is to create my own fully animated TV show. Since I cannot draw for the life of me, I want to do screenwriting.

Fact Six: This is completely random, but when I was twelve, I broke my wrist because I tied jump ropes to my bicycle handle.

Fact Seven: The acceptance in this story by Luz's friends is inspired by my best friend Gracie. Her kindness and embracing of my craziness and outlandish behaviors are what makes her the best person in my life, and she gives me inspiration everyday.

Fact Eight: Halle is actually my middle name! The teacher is by no means a self-insert, but I couldn't think of any other names.😂

Thank you again for 40k reads! Keep checking out my new stories, and always feel free to message me if you have any questions, suggestions, etc;

Thank you!

You Will Be Found                   (A Lumity AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon