To the Sky

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Chapter 7

Luz and Amity spent the whole school day together They talked a lot, with Luz using her white board to add in comments and Amity speaking out loud. Amity even helped Luz with some of her math homework. This made Luz realize Amity was really smart. There were all kinds of different academic awards lining her walls in spots that there weren't Azura posters. They Around two thirty, Luz looked at her phone. Disappointment flashed in her brown eyes and she stood up. I'm sorry, Amity. She wrote. I have to go to work. Amity looked at the taller girl, slight surprise written on her face.

"Where do you work?" Luz looked down, as though she was embarrassed. The she wrote, I wash dishes at the Owl House. Amity's expression lit up.

"I love that restaurant! My friends and I go there all the time on the weekends." Luz smiled slightly. That sounds like fun, I've never gone out with friends before. Well, that was sad. Amity thought for a moment before she spoke nervously.

"I mean, you can hang with us this weekend. We're getting together tomorrow morning. I don't know what you like to do but I'd like you there." Amity's cheeks flushed and looked down as she played with a strand of green hair. She felt a light tap on her shoulder. She looked back up to see Luz holding out her whiteboard, her head turned the other way. I'd love that. Thanks. Amity smiled and, on impulse, threw her arms around Luz's neck in a hug. The Latina froze and tensed up. She didn't hug Amity back, but she didn't push her off either. She smelled like a rainstorm, clean and soothing. Once Amity let go of Luz, she cleared her throat. Her face was bright red now.

"I wish I could drive you there, but I have a ton of homework to catch up on and I'm meeting the group later for their practice. I'm really sorry." Luz looked confused. Why are you apologizing? You've already done so much for me. Amity smiled, but she still felt guilty. Luz didn't seem to have good clothes for the cold weather.

"Before you go, let me at least get you a jacket. It's freezing." Luz's eyes widened in panic, and she shook her head frantically and she wrote really fast, No, I don't think I need one. Amity was suspicious, but respected Luz's wishes. Luz gathered her stuff and Amity walked her to the door.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Luz." Luz seemed distracted now, much more worried. Before she left though, Amity reached up and placed a hand on Luz's cheek. Luz looked down at Amity, and her cheeks darkened when her dark brown eyes met Amity's bright gold ones.

"Make sure you take care of yourself. I'm serious, if someone is hurting you, don't be afraid to tell me. You have my number, text me." Luz nodded, then walked out into the freezing cold weather. Amity shut the door and went up to her room to get ready to see her friends.


Luz shivered. December was approaching, that meant snow, and because Luz didn't have a winter coat, she was bound to get sick at some point this winter from the cold. She did have a winter coat last year, but it got destroyed in one of Jared's beatings. She had declined Amity's offer for a coat because she didn't want Jared and his cronies to ruin it. Luz didn't want Amity to know about Jared, she didn't want her getting hurt. If Jared knew about their friendship, who knows what he would do? Luz sighed and took out her phone. She plugged in her earbuds, put them in her ears, and selected a song. Light, happy notes started to play, and Luz smiled.

Shipwreck in a sea of faces

There's a dreamy world up there

Dear friends in higher places

Carry me away from here

Travel light, let the sun eclipse you

'Cause your flight is about to leave

And there's more to this brave adventure

Than you'd ever believe

The lyrics were so joyful, Luz couldn't help but feel lighter whenever she listened to this song. She loved Owl City. His lyrics often made no sense, but his music was so good that it didn't even matter. It took her mind off of the cold weather, and her body even stopped shivering.

Birds-eye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you

Wide eyes will always brighten the blue

Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery

'Cause after all those wings will take you, up so high

So bid the forest floor goodbye as you race the wind

And take to the sky (you take to the sky)

On the heels of war and wonder

There's a stormy world up there

You can't whisper above the thunder

But you can fly anywhere

Purple burst of paper birds

This picture paints a thousand words

So take a breath of myth and mystery

And don't look back

Birds-eye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you

Wide eyes will always brighten the blue

Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery

'Cause after all those wings will take you, up so high

So bid the forest floor goodbye as you race the wind

And take to the sky (you take to the sky)

There's a realm above the trees

Where the lost are finally found

Touch your feathers to the breeze

And leave the ground

Luz could visualize everything the singer was describing. It was very peaceful.

Birds-eye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you

Wide eyes will always brighten the blue

Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery

'Cause after all those wings will take you, up so high

So bid the forest floor goodbye as you race the wind

And take to the sky

(You take to the sky)

(You take to the sky)

The song ended, and Luz realized that if she didn't run, she would be late to work. Putting away her earbuds, Luz took off in the direction of the Owl House,

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