Blight Manor

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Sorry, I couldn't think of a song for this chapter, but I hope it's still alright!

Chapter 6

The next day, Luz was sitting in the library with her hood up, just staring at her math homework. Even though it was just basic algebra, the numbers were swirling around in her head, giving her a headache.That wasn't ideal because her face was still throbbing from last night, and it hurt to breathe. Last night's beating had been especially brutal. She had run out of bandages, so she couldn't cover the new wounds, and she couldn't get any more until she got paid in three days by her boss.

School hadn't started yet, but Luz had wanted to try and get some work done because she was already behind. Sighing, Luz decided she would find someone to help her in the resource room later. She packed her math homework away and pulled out her Spanish work instead. Spanish was her best class because she was already fluent in it.

She blew through that very quickly and pulled out her Good Witch Azura book. Once she started reading, she didn't even hear the bell ring for class to start. Luz didn't even realize that she had been reading for so long until she received a text from Amity asking her where she was and that the class was working on their projects. Cursing under her breath, Luz gathered her things and ran out of the library to her first period. She stopped outside of Mrs. Halle's classroom and took a deep breath.

Amity did not look happy when Luz entered. Her golden eyes were narrowed and arms were crossed. Luz pulled her hood tighter around her face to hide the bruises and sat down at her desk. Mrs. Halle didn't seem to care that Luz was fifteen minutes late to her class, letting her off with a warning. Luz kept her face down to avoid looking at Amity. She's going to hate me now. Damn it! Why can't I just be normal for once?

"Luz." Amity's voice was hard to read because Luz wasn't looking at her face. She didn't want Amity to be mad at her or for her to see the cuts and bruises.

"Please. Look at me." Luz shook her head. Amity sighed in frustration. "Luz, it's hard to talk to you when you don't look at me. I need to know if you're listening." Luz was still nervous. Her ribs were aching, telling her she needed to sit up straight. Amity placed a hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner.

"I'm not mad. But I do want you to tell me why you were late. Where's your whiteboard?" Luz pulled it out of her bag, not looking up, and wrote her response. I'm sorry, Amity. I got distracted in the library. They sat in silence for a moment, then Amity spoke.

"Okay, Luz. I forgive you. Can you look up at me now?" Luz shook her head even though she knew that this would probably just make Amity even more suspicious.


Without warning, Amity placed her hand under Luz's chin and turned the Latina's head towards her. She gasped at what she saw. Luz had a black eye and a swollen nose. Amity softly pulled the girl's hood down. Luz tried to resist, but to no avail. There was a large, open wound on her eyebrow that was caked over with dried blood, and her cheeks were littered with small cuts and bruises. Her hair was matted as well. Amity immediately knew what had to be done. She raised her hand, and Mrs. Halle came over. When the teacher saw Luz's face, she also gasped.

"Mrs. Halle? May we be excused? I think Luz needs to be let out for today." The teacher nodded, slightly dumbfounded. Luz frantically shook her head, but Amity wasn't having it. She grabbed Luz's whiteboard and satchel, and marched out of the room. Now Luz had no choice but to follow if she wanted her stuff back. Amity walked out of the building to her car and motioned for Luz to get inside. The girl obliged and walked over. Once they were in their respective seats and buckled in, Amity started the vehicle and pulled out of the parking lot. The she started her lecture.

"Luz, I need you to talk to me. I know you don't feel ready, but this is serious. You're coming into school injured. Don't think I didn't see the bandages on your arm, and what's up with your breathing? Where are you getting these injuries? who's hurting you?" Luz stayed silent. Amity suddenly jerked the steering wheel and pulled over. She looked at Luz angrily.

"Goddamnit, Luz! Why are you making this so difficult?!" She yelled out in frustration, making the girl flinch and curl her knees to her chest defensively, as though she thought Amity was going to hurt her. Amity took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really worried, you know? I want to help you." Luz sighed. She seemed as though she wanted to talk, but something was holding her back. It looked like she was having a mental argument with herself.

"It's okay, Luz. You don't have to talk. I didn't mean to pressure you into anything." Luz held up a hand, as if to say that she forgave her. Once they were back on the road, Amity spoke.

"We're going to my house, if that's okay with you." Luz nodded, her face flushing slightly. Amity's face, in turn, flushed as well. Amity had known that she was into girls for a long time now, and her family had accepted that. She had even dated a few people before. And even though she had only known Luz for a few days, there was something about the Latina that drew Amity to her.

Luz's expression turned to one of awe when she saw Blight Manor. Amity smiled a little. Her parents were the very successful business owners of Blight Industries, a gigantic international tech company worth billions of dollars. Unfortunately, that meant her parents were never around. Edric, Emira, and Amity had practically been raised by household staff, and each other.

The gates opened as they approached the manor. Luz was still gawking when Amity parked in the long driveway. As soon as they got into the house, Amity took Luz by the hand and led her through the mansion, and up the stairs to her room. Amity shut the door and saw Luz's eyes shining, she was staring up at the Good Witch Azura posters that covered her wall.

"I know," Amity said. "You must think I'm crazy for loving Azura books this much, I-" Luz put up a hand, silencing her, and pulled her whiteboard out of her bag. I love the Good Witch Azura! I thought no one else did! As Amity read this, her face broke out into a smile, until she looked at Luz's injuries again. Then her face fell again.

"We should probably take care of you first. Come here." Amity opened the door to her bathroom and sat Luz down on the edge of the bath. She pulled out her first aid kit. Amity had taken a first aid course, so she knew what she was doing. She grabbed a washcloth and ran it under some warm water.

"Okay, I'm going to clean the cut on your eyebrow." Amity sat down next to Luz and turned the girl's head towards her. She looked nervous, but obliged and sat still. Amity softly dabbed at the injury. The cut started to bleed a little once the dried blood was gone, and Amity grabbed her rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball. She poured the alcohol onto the cotton.

"This is going to sting a little." Luz shut her eyes tightly and nodded. Amity dabbed at the cut and Luz hissed a little but stayed still. Once she finished cleaning the wound, Amity took out a band aid and placed it on the cut. One by one, Amity took care of each injury on Luz's face.

"There, all done." Amity said, then she grinned. "Now we can talk about the Good Witch Azura."

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