The Beat

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Chapter 9

Camila left the house early that morning while her daughter was still sleeping. When Luz woke up, she stretched out, her body was still sore, but not unbearably so. Her mom being home last night had been a really nice surprise, and left Luz in a better mood than she had been in for a long time. She quickly got dressed, and grimaced when she caught a glimpse her injured arm. It was healing up, and wasn't nearly as painful as it had been throughout the week. Thankfully, her mom had brought home fresh bandages last night, but that didn't mean it was pleasant to look at.

Her favorite hoodie was in the wash, as her mom had insisted on cleaning it last night. Luz didn't have many options other than a plain black T-shirt and some faded jeans. This wasn't good because her injured arm would be exposed for everyone to see, and she especially didn't want Amity and her friends to worry even more. Luz showered, making sure to keep her bandages dry, and got dressed. She looked in the mirror and tried to smooth out her hair. She wanted to look good for Ami- woah.

Luz's eyes widened slightly. No, I just met Amity. There's no need for me to look different. It's not like I have a crush on her. Luz had never paid much attention to people in that way before. But even as she tried to justify her thoughts, she couldn't deny that she was attracted to Amity. She was beautiful, kind, smart, creative, and she made Luz feel warm and safe. Luz knew that she was definitely falling for the Blight girl. But she didn't even know if Amity liked girls that way! Luz sighed, but fixed her hair anyways. There really wasn't any way to make herself look presentable anyhow.

The walk to the bus stop was cold; snowflakes drifted down around Luz, landing on her sweatshirt and in her hair. She could see her own breath. Shivering, she hugged her arms around herself to try and stay warm. She could barely tolerate the bus ride to Hexside, so she always would read her Azura books and listen to music until the bus reached her stop. She put in her earbuds and selected a song form her playlist. Upbeat piano chords played and Luz relaxed into the seat.

Stand there lady
Won't you just stand still
She's had a white Mercedes
And I know she will

And then the beat comes
And then she's moving on the dance floor
And I wonder what she's running from, oh, oh
If it'll catch her

Luz tapped her fingers on the seat to the rhythm of the song.

Her heart is broken but she won't say that (won't say that)
Her heart is broken but she can't go back (can't go back)
But she can't go back

And the nights move forward
Don't they just move on
She's on a mission, baby
And she's almost done

And then the beat comes
And then she's moving on the dance floor
But I wonder what she's running from, oh, oh
If it'll catch her, yeah, yeah, yeah, huh

Her heart is broken but she won't say that (won't say that)
Her heart is broken but she can't go back (can't go back)
But she can't go back
Yeah, she can't go back

Your heart is a lonely one

Your heart is a lonely one

Your heart is a lonely one

Your heart is broken but you won't say that (won't say that)

Your heart is broken but you can't go back (can't go back)

No, you can't go back


By the time Luz made it to school, she was a snow-covered, shivering mess in her short sleeved shirt. But none of that mattered when she entered Mrs. Halle's classroom. Amity was sitting at their shared table, writing in a journal. Luz immediately felt her heart start to race.

Stay calm, Luz. The Latina slowly walked over and sat down next to Amity.


The green-haired girl saw Luz and smiled. But her grin slowly faded when she saw Luz shivering vigorously from the cold. She was wearing a black T-shirt that showed off her skinny arms and loose blue jeans that looked like they had seen better days. Her left arm was wrapped tightly in a clean bandage. Her face was still battered, but the bruises looked like they were starting to fade. Not to mention that she had clearly tried to fix her hair.

Amity took off her pink hoodie as Luz sat down and draped it over the girl's shoulders. Luz stiffened and looked up at Amity, her cheeks reddening slightly, or was that from the chill air? Either way, it was cute. Amity shrugged and smiled sheepishly, her face also flushing.

"You looked cold, so..." Luz nodded and smiled. She took out her whiteboard and started to write. How are you? This seemed to always be her first question. Amity thought for a moment. Her siblings had woken her up obnoxiously, as they did every morning. The drive to school had also been peaceful. So, overall, she was doing pretty well.

"I'm doing pretty well, how about you?" Luz took her time writing her response. As she did so, Boscha entered the room. The pink haired girl looked around, surprised that Mrs. Halle hadn't arrived yet. She waved at Amity, and smiled softly at the sight of Luz, who was focused on her whiteboard. But when she caught sight of Luz wearing Amity's hoodie, a sly smirk slowly crept its way over her face. Amity could feel her face heat up as Boscha wiggled her eyebrows at her and Luz, and tried to gesture for Boscha to knock it off.

Luz didn't seem to notice this interaction and continued to write on her whiteboard, her head only inches above the desk. Amity pointed at Boscha's desk in the back of the room and gestured for her to go sit. Boscha shrugged, but went anyways. Mrs. Halle took that moment to enter the classroom. She smiled at Amity, who smiled back. The teacher set down her coffee on her desk and spoke.

"Amity, may I have a word with you?" Luz looked up curiously, but Amity just raised an eyebrow and stood up. She followed her teacher out into the hallway and Mrs. Halle shut the door behind her.

"Mrs. Halle? May I ask why you wanted to talk to me?" Amity was curious. Mrs. Halle placed a hand on her student's shoulder.

"Amity, I wanted to talk to you because I noticed that you have been reaching out to our new student. And as you can probably see, Miss Noceda struggles with communication and her schoolwork. So, Principal Bump wanted me to ask you if you would be willing to tutor her?" Amity thought for a moment. She liked Luz, and had helped her with her schoolwork before. It probably wouldn't be too hard.

"I guess I could try it." Mrs. Halle clapped her hands together and smiled.

"Wonderful! Could you start this afternoon? Luz is already pretty behind in some of her math and science work. If not, that's okay."

"No, that'll work. Does Luz know about this?" Mrs. Halle shook her head.

"I was hoping that you could tell her, as you have established some 'trust' between you two. Enough to share your sweater...?" The teacher winked knowingly at Amity who, in turn, flushed bright red. But before she could deny that there was anything going on between her and Luz, Mrs. Halle had already made her way back into the classroom.

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