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It was nearing dusk when Sasuke and Sakura decided to make camp for the night. They were both exhausted; Sakura from the excitement of seeing everything, Sasuke from chasing after her.

"I'll make a fire. Just stay put" he told her as he stood up to go gather some firewood.

"Can't I come with you?" she asked anxiously. She had never been outside in the dark before, the thought was terrifying.

He stared at her for a moment before realizing why she might be nervous to be alone.

"If you'd like" he told her before turning and walking off. He could hear her small footsteps hurry behind him to catch up.

She stayed close to him, not wanting to venture off on her own and lose sight of him. It would be easy to get lost out here. She had no idea how to get back to the tower if she did.

"You sure know your way around. Do you live around here Sasuke?"

"No. I grew up in the nearby village but I've been traveling in this area for awhile now."

"Oh" she said quietly. She wasn't sure why but she felt like she shouldn't pry about that anymore. It seemed like a sensitive subject to him.

He carried the firewood, she carried the kindling. Just as he tossed the last piece on the pile the rough edge caught on his hand, cutting his palm.

He hissed as he grabbed his hand. He slightly jumped in surprise with Sakura grabbed his hand in hers, gently moving it around to inspect it.

"Careful, I don't want to get blood on you" he told her as he tried to pull his hand away but she tightened her grip.

"I can help you" she said as she began to wrap the end of her hair around his palm. He didn't try to pull away this time, as confused as he was. She closed her eyes, her brows furrowing in concentration as her hair began to glow.

After a moment it went back to its usual, non-glowing, pink color. When he pulled her hair away he saw that his hand was completely healed.


"That's why l've been in that tower, because of this" she said as she twirled the end of her hair around her finger.

Sasuke couldn't believe that she trusted him enough to show him her gift and heal him. I didn't know why she would.

"Sakura. There's... something you should know."

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