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Sakura managed to get the man into a chair and, without having anything else to use, used her hair to bind his wrists and ankles so he couldn't move.

'He doesn't look scary...' she thought to herself as she inspected him. Since he was unconscious it didn't make her as nervous to move closer to him.

He didn't look much older than she was, from what she could tell at least, this was her first time ever seeing a man in person. She had only ever seen pictures of them in books.

He had soft features, but she could see the faint wrinkles in his brow, like he scowled a lot. His skin was very pale and was a stark contrast to his raven black hair.

The man groaned as he was finally coming back to his senses, the left side of his face pounding. He tried raising a hand to his face but felt restraints around his wrists.

His vision was still slightly blurry. When he looked down he saw locks of pink hair wrapped all around him, holding him firmly in place in a chair.

Sakura had darted to the other side of the room when she realized he was waking up. She wanted to put distance between them.

"Who sent you?" she asked.

The man looked in her general direction but he couldn't really see her. His vision was blurred still and couldn't see things far away from him.

'He doesn't have glowing red eyes...They're dark like his hair.'

"What?" he asked exasperated. He wasn't sent by anyone. He was alone, he had been for a long time.

"What's your name?" she asked as she moved closer to him.

With each step he could see her more and more clearly. She had bright green eyes and, he quickly realized, that all this pink hair belonged to her.

The man felt his heart jump but he quickly got himself under control. 'She's beautiful.'

"Sasuke" he answered gently.

'His name even kind of sounds like mine.'

"Okay Sasuke" she said emphasizing his name, "Who sent you here?"

He stared at her blankly, confused on why she assumed anyone had sent him here. He had only stumbled across this place accidentally.

"No one sent me" he answered flatly. He wouldn't let his guard drop just because he thought she was beautiful. He had to protect himself after all.

"You're... not here for my hair?"

He leveled his eyes at her, "Why would I want your hair? I literally want nothing more than to get out of it."

She stared at him confused. Mother had always told her that people from outside the tower were terrifying and would be after her hair. She felt so conflicted; part of her knew she had to listen to Mother's warnings but part of her believed him as well.

'This could be my chance...'

"Fine. I'll let you go but under one condition."

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