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Sakura spent the better part of the past hour pacing at the base of the tower. She couldn't believe she actually left the tower but was also so excited that she did. She was very conflicted.

Sasuke gave up trying to intervene awhile ago. He found a shady spot and leaned back against the giant stones that formed the tower. His arms crossed behind his head, eyes closed. He was very unbothered.

"You know" he started, eyes still closed, "You never did tell me your name."

Sakura stopped in her tracks because she hadn't realized that he told her his name, but she didn't tell him hers in return. She turned to look at him, "It's uh- it's Sakura."

He opened one eye slightly, "I would've never guessed" he said before shutting it again.

'Given that her hair is the color of Sakura blossoms, I'm not really surprised.'

"Then why did you ask?" she quipped back before she got back to pacing.

Sasuke quickly rolled to his feet. He was done with her pity party. He agreed to show her the sights, that's what he was going to do. He grabbed her wrist, taking her by surprise, and led them out of the field.

"W-what're you doing?"

"I'm not going to let you waste what little time you have. That's what."

Their small journey was a short one for every flower, plant, or animal they crossed paths with Sakura would stop to investigate.

"Mother would bring me flowers once in awhile but seeing them like this is totally different" Sakura whispered to herself as she crouched in front of it.

"So that's how you've managed to survive. Your Mother comes and goes, getting whatever you need?"

He had been mulling it over since she had told him she never left the tower before. There was no way she would've made it this long on her own. Sakura didn't meet his eyes, she continued to look at the flower as she nodded.

"So, why is it that she can leave but you can't?"

"She said that there were scary people out here. People who-" she trailed off.

Sasuke crouched across from her on the other side of the flower so she would be forced to look at him.

"Who what?" he asked her.

Sakura took a deep breath, "She said there were people who had glowing red eyes who would hurt me."

Sasuke felt like he had been punched in the gut. He never expected that the terrible people her mother told her about was his own Clan. Although now, he was the only one left.

"I...I don't think you have to worry about them" he said softly.

"I don't know if I really believe there are people out there like that. I've always suspected Mother made it up to scare me."

He wasn't sure why he cared so much about her being afraid of him. If he wanted to he could just show her his Sharingan and he could get rid of her but he wasn't ready to be away from her quite yet.

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