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"Okay, so how do we get down from this thing?" Sasuke asked as he looked down over the ledge. The drop would be a long one, not something he was eager to do.

"Like this" she said as she looped her hair onto the metal hook above the window and tossed the rest to cascade down the side of the tower.

Sasuke looked at her deadpan. "You can be serious."

"Would you rather jump?" she asked him sarcastically, matching his demeanor, "It would be a lot faster that way." She held out her hair to him, motioning for him to grab a hold of it. "Just hold your weight and slowly descend. It's not hard" she taunted.

Sasuke rolled his eyes before grabbing her hair and leaning out the window. He gripped it tightly before sliding off the edge and down her hair. It only took a minute before he reached the ground.

"Your turn!" he called up to her. "Or are you too scared?" He couldn't pass up a chance to antagonize her. "It's not too late to change your mind!"

He watched as she leaned over the edge and began slowly falling towards him. She was smiling from ear to ear with excitement, spinning around to look at everything around her now that she was outside the tower. But just as she was about to touch her feet to the ground she stopped, pulling her legs under her.

"What's wrong?" Sasuke asked but she ignored him. She held her breath as she looked at the green grass down below.

'I'm about to touch grass for the first time. It looks soft...'

She tentatively lowered a leg, extending it until her toes touched the grass.

"It's soft!" she exclaimed before putting her other foot down. Before he knew it she went from her feet, to her hands and knees, then flat on her stomach on the grass. "I never knew grass would be like this!"

Sasuke couldn't help but be in awe of her. Something that he experienced everyday and thought nothing of was everything to her in this moment. It was the most amazing thing to her.

"I can't believe I'm doing this!" Sakura exclaimed happily.

Just as the words left her mouth reality hit her. She actually left the tower. She defied Mother, which is something she had never done before.

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