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I found myself imprisoned within walls of unyielding metal, my attempts to break free met with resolute resistance. Fatigue and hunger gnawed at my senses, remnants of a capture by diminutive two-legged creatures. Yet, despite the absence of a companion, the solitude of my confinement remained mercifully brief. Intriguing voices reached my ears, seeping through the barriers of my enclosure.

"What manner of creature is it?" queried a weary male voice, the weight of experience evident in his tone. A female voice responded, carrying the weight of anticipation, "A Spinosaurus, sir. A creature of fierce nature. We discovered her amidst our search for new marvels, deeming her a fitting replacement for our fallen Spino."

A sigh escaped the man's lips, laden with weariness. "My responsibilities lie with the Velociraptors, ma'am," he retorted. The woman chuckled nervously, her words brimming with mischievous intent. "Indeed, I am aware. However, I thought we might assign you to this magnificent specimen instead. Our raptors have become docile, lacking the thrill of challenge. Would it not be exhilarating to face a greater test?"

A growl reverberated within my being, a primal response to their arrogant assumptions. In the recesses of my mind, I vowed to show this man the true essence of a formidable adversary. Yet, the conversation dissolved into muted whispers, leaving me to contemplate my impending encounter.

Respite from contemplation arrived with the scent of unfamiliar presence. Startled, I turned my gaze towards the source, locking eyes with a creature beyond my understanding. Its eyes, large and adorned with crimson accents, fixated upon me. I bared my teeth, lowered my head to ignite the sail upon my back, a formidable display to assert dominance. The creature, whether dinosaur or otherwise, recoiled, whimpering in response to my display of power.

A satisfied smirk graced my visage. I had achieved my objective, deterring further intrusion. Ceasing my growls, I sought solace upon a soft patch of moss, a makeshift bed within my confines. Exhaustion washed over me, carried on the tides of the day's trials.

As sleep claimed me, I harbored a glimmer of hope that the morrow would bring respite from my plight.


Awakening from slumber, the world shrouded in darkness, I groaned, shaking off the remnants of drowsiness. Dryness crept into my mouth, prompting a sigh as I made my way towards a small stream that meandered through my enclosure. Quenching my thirst, the cool water washed away the weariness that clung to my being. Closing my eyes, I relinquished my guard, surrendering to the embrace of the moment.

Mid-sip, a low grumble and growl pierced the air, commanding my attention. My head swiveled, scanning the enclosure for any hidden presence. Finding naught, I cautiously resumed my drink. Yet, a call, a growl, resounded through the enclosure, capturing my full focus. Intrigued, I made my way towards the latch window, peering out into the neighboring pen. There, I beheld the source of the mysterious call—an immense white creature, its eyes blood-red and teeth jutting forth like the embodiment of a nightmare.

It appeared monstrous.

Curiosity seized my senses, compelling me to communicate with this enigma. "Why did you call out?" I clicked, my voice resonating within the confines of the enclosure. The creature's gaze met mine, its crimson orbs gleaming. "For five long years, I have yearned for companionship. You are the first creature they have placed beside me in this cage," it responded, its voice deep and worn, as if disused for an eternity.

Pity tugged at my heartstrings, and my cold blue eyes softened. "I apologize for your solitude," I croaked, my voice a soothing murmur. However, the beast shook its head, despondency echoing in its tone. "No need for pity. I am merely grateful to finally have someone. The humans call me Monster," it confessed, a trace of sadness lingering in its voice. My anger surged, causing my sail to quiver in response. "How could they be so callous as to name you thus?" I rasped, a deep sense of indignation welling within me.

"I deserve nothing more," the creature whimpered, its gaze downcast once more. I snarled, slashing against the walls of my enclosure, a futile attempt to express my desire to offer solace and retribution to our captors.

"Fret not, though. I find solace in it," Monster chirped suddenly, a cheerfulness that belied its circumstances. I regarded it, meeting its gaze with a determined stare. "You should never accept such a name. Allow me to bestow upon you another. I shall conceive of a new title worthy of your essence," I crooned, to which Monster nodded in agreement. Yet, the sound of approaching footsteps shattered our brief connection, prompting Monster to retreat from the wall, instilling fear in my heart that it would abandon me.

Summoning my courage, I called out desperately, "Please, do not leave me!" Alas, my plea was met with a jolt of pain that coursed through my claws, a shock that emanated from the wall. Yelping, I hastily withdrew, cradling my talons, while a stranger materialized before my eyes. Beside him stood a figure clad in a vest and blue shirt—a presence whose scent I had encountered earlier.

"This is your new asset, Owen. Treat her well and train her," the man declared, before departing, leaving Owen on the other side of the glass. He sighed, placing a hand against the barrier, his voice laden with sorrow. "I apologize; this was never my intention. If I could, I would liberate you from this confinement. But for now, we must play along with their designs. If I fail to train you, they may subject you to a fate far worse. My name is Owen," he disclosed, and I rumbled, conveying my understanding.

He smiled, inquiring, "And what is your name?" Gazing at the sandy ground beneath me, I leaned down, etching my chosen moniker with a claw. Owen leaned closer, straining to decipher my markings, and as I stepped back, he gasped.

I had written "Scarletsail" in intricate lines, and it seemed Owen comprehended. "So, Scarletsail," he read aloud, to which I emitted a soft hum. The man smiled, genuine warmth infusing his expression. "A pleasure to meet you, Scarletsail."

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The first chapter unfolds! I hope this tale captivates your imagination!


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