"What's wrong?" he prodded.

"Nothing." Despite the fact he obviously could tell when I was lying, I lied again. I wanted to blurt out how confusing he was and that I was fed up with him tempting me to do things I shouldn't do but I couldn't possibly tell him things like that. I wanted to say that he made me nervous because I could never tell whether what I wanted to say would result in him snapping, I wanted to know what his problem was. But instead I just stood there, once again, silent and internally pleading for him to pretend he hadn't asked.

He sighed heavily and gripped the steering wheel tightly, the next time he blinked his eyes fluttered closed for much longer in irritation and when they opened again they were looking through the windshield rather than at me. "Fine, okay... whatever. Well, I'll see you around."

He glanced sideways at me briefly, probably an indication that he wanted me to leave now, so I nodded and fumbled with the door handle from the outside. "Yeah. Bye."

Once the door was shut he peeled out of his space at the side of my road and sped off whilst I hurried towards my house. I let myself in and looked around my lounge, finding Mckenzie nowhere to be seen, so I took off my boots and carried them up the stairs.

When I entered my room Mckenzie was lying on her back on my bed, her legs dangling off the edge as she stared blankly at her phone that she held above her face. She had helped herself to a pair of my pyjama bottoms and was still wearing the oversized, white tshirt belonging to Louis. Without looking away from the glowing device, she muttered, "Took you long enough. What, did he want a private moment with you before you said your goodbyes?"

"No," I scoffed, rooting through my drawers to find a hoodie and pair of sweatpants to change into.

"So," she began, sitting up and locking her phone, "What's with you two?"

"What? Nothing?"

Mckenzie stared at me, not caring that I was trying to discreetly get changed in the corner of my room. She had a disbelieving look on her face that made it difficult for me to remain composed.

"Bullshít. There's something going on there, I can feel it."

"Like what?" I challenged her. I was now changed and sat on my desk chair opposite her, tying my tangled hair up into a ponytail.

"I'm not sure..." she hummed thoughtfully.

"I think it's more like you want something to be going on."

"If there's absolutely nothing going on, what were you doing all that time you were alone with him last night? Braiding each other's hair? Discussing politics?"

"Yeah," I nodded and rolled my eyes at her, getting a sneaky grin in response.

"And, if absolutely nothing is going on, how come you had the honour of sleeping in his room when even his best mates have to sleep on the sofa?"

"I don't know, he's polite?" I tried, knowing that was the most untrue and ridiculous thing I could've come up with.

"Pfft, yeah right!" she laughed, and even I couldn't stifle a smile. "No offence, Jess, but that guy is weird. Whatever you're seeing I am not seeing it."

"I'm not seeing anything!" I tried to defend myself. "I agree with you, actually, he is weird."

"Right? He's, like... quiet and mysterious. Doesn't seem to have any feelings. I dunno I can't describe it."

"You're telling me," I groaned quietly, she really hit the nail on the head there. "Anyway, why are we talking about Harry and what you think - or rather, wished - happened between us, when we both know that it's you and Louis we should be discussing," I teased her, her cheeks flushed a dark shade of pink and she giggled as she hid her face in her hands.

"Shut up! I don't want to talk about it!"

"You only met him the other day! You don't hang about, do you?"

"Stop! It's not like we had sex! And I said I don't want to talk about it!" she begged, giggling uncontrollably with embarrassment.

"Sure," I grinned, happy to be the one dishing out the tormenting for once.

For the rest of the day we just hung out in my room; watching movies, indulging in snack after snack. I snuck in a comment every so often to tease her about Louis and she blushed furiously and hit me with a pillow every time. When it got dark and we were still lounging around on my bed, we decided she may as well sleep at my house tonight.


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Thank you to everyone that's done any of the above so far, it really means a lot to me and I'm so happy people are finding this story.


E x

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