"I want you to be there. I don't care if my father hangs me by my hair. I want you to be at my graduation party with the rest of my friends. He may be able to forbid us from dating, but he can't stop you from being my friend. I won't let him." I smirk, wrapping my arms around her small waist.

"Still on the just friends agenda I see." Haerin dropped back onto the balls of her feet looking up at me with a pointed look.

"Do you want your birthday gift?" She removes my arms from around her and walks into her closet. Avoiding the question I see. I sit on her bed waiting for whatever she is getting. Her birthday is in a couple days and she is graduating and yet she still took the time to get me a present. A felt a small smile tug onto my lips at her sweet actions. "Do you like it?" I whipped my head around and my jaw dropped. The smiling girl was holding up a painting of the two of us in Ador's library studying. I get up looking closer at the painting and the pen I'm holding has K.H. engraved on it. Wow.

"I don't even know what to say. You made it?" I remove my eyes from the breathtaking painting and look into her teary eyes. "Why are you crying?" I get up from her bed taking the painting from her hands gently laying it on her bed and embracing her.

"I'm sorry it's just I worked so hard on this and watching you look at it made me emotional." I giggle a little at the sniffling girl. After a couple seconds of us just embracing she picked up the painting pointing to the pen I was looking at earlier. "If you think about it, this was the start of our relationship." I grin thinking about three years ago Kang Haerin saw me struggling and helped me out.

"I still have that pen. It ran out of ink years ago, but I still have it." Haerin's eyes softened and looked confused.

"It's just a pen Minji?" I shake my head because she is wrong. It's not just a pen to me. It was her choosing to reach out to me. It was our first interaction even if she clearly didn't care to talk to me then. It's the first time I truly looked at Kang Haerin, the girl I will love till the day I die. "Plus I got tired of you freaking out everyday because you forgot a pen and not taking notes so I gave you one. Really it was to benefit me, because your little irresponsible tantrums were getting kind of old."

"Kang Haerin I thought you said you had a crush on me not that you just thought I was annoying?!?!" I furrow my eyebrows, her words taking me out of my lovely daydream of us together forever.

"Pretty people can be annoying." The younger girl smirked, pinching my cheek. I just swatted her hand away with a scoff.

"Well at least I wasn't some weird loner know it all." Haerin's smirk fell as her jaw dropped at my words. Haha got her. Haerin came back over towards me shoving me back on her bed. When I tried to get up she just climbed on top of me settling down on my lap.

"Take it back." I try to sit up on my elbows but she takes my arms pinning me down. Oh.

"No." Haerin didn't say anything but continued to pin me down and look into my eyes. I look to my left staring at the painting she gifted me too shy to look at her right now. Oh how different the girl in the painting who used to tutor me silently is from the girl on top of me pinning me down.

"Why won't you look at me?" I turned my head back to Haerin who's face now had a neutral expression.

"Well maybe because you are currently on top of me and we haven't been in a position like this in a hot minute. Also I'm trying my hardest not to flip us over and take you right here." Haerin loosed her grip on my arms but kept them there and a slightly shocked expression graced her face.

"Take me? You're thinking about sex right now?" Haerin's face turned about three shades redder as she finished her sentence. I giggled a little bit, removing her hands from my wrists and interlacing both our hands.

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