"No, but she is currently the princess and ambassador to other realms. She is vital to all pack business."

Harmony opened her mouth to continue arguing but I held up my hand. "Harmony, this is one of those times you just have to listen. No arguing. I know it's hard for you, but this is something that is much bigger than just wolfdom."

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She hated being told what to do and since her, and everyone else's, memory was wiped clean of what I was and barely remembered her time from being possessed by Hera, she didn't understand. What she did know, I held a higher station than she did and she couldn't argue with me. Or with Edmond.

Even the royal family didn't remember Artemis, at least for a while. Not until more visions started and the mark glowed that one time I didn't have my hair down.

"Do you understand?" I asked again.

She nodded her head and rolled her eyes. "Yeah. I guess. I hate being left out."

"You're not being left out, Harmony." I turned to leave. "Now, we must get the pups to bed. I must meet with Daisy. She's rushing her seamstresses through making a gown for tomorrow."

Edmond and I made our way to our suite, dumping the pups in their tubs for a bubble bath. I scrubbed Vicky's hair as she splashed around and Edmond scrubbed Freddy's feet. 

"Boy, how do you get so dirty?"

The young one burst into a fit of giggles as though his father just said the most hilarious joke ever.

"So, all of the Beta's are coming tomorrow?" I asked.


"Will any of them bring their mates?" I side-eyed Edmond.

I could see the smile creep on his face. "We told Alastair to bring Ashley."

A smile spread on my face. I had not seen my best friend in a few weeks and I longed for her silly self. "Good. Are they bringing their pups?"

"They are. I figured they could play with Vicky and Freddy with Ashley while we were in our meeting."

"Good. Good. It has been a while since the pups have seen each other. It will be good for them."

"Indeed," Edmond agreed.

Much like my parents and Alpha Anwar and Luna Celeste, we assumed at least one of our pups would be destined to mate with one of Alastair and Ashley's pups. 

I also remembered the heartache from that terrible time in my life so we weren't permitting any  relationships until they turned 18 and could start looking for their mates.

Once the pups were settled in bed, I made my way through the castle in search of Daisy. 

I knocked on her door and peered into the workspace. She had yards of fabric scattered all about. 

"Majesty! Please, come in. We're ready for the fitting."

"Oh, wonderful!" I exclaimed, entering the room.

One of the seamstresses held up a beautiful black, gold, and red gown. The gown was a gold and red lace overlaying black satin. The top porting was nothing but lace from the neck to the bodice. At the waist, a black belt was used to alow sheet black fabric flow over top of a red and gold skirt. 

"It's incredible," I said.

"A dress made for a fierce princess, majesty," Daisy told me.

I smiled at her as she handed over the gown. "Thank you."

"I do hope things go well tomorrow, madame."

"I do too," I said quietly. "I do too."

I left the ladies, walking back through the castle. Things were quiet and cold. A light was on in a room at the end of the hallway. Walking down, I saw Orsand sitting at his desk with his head in his hands. I knocked and waited.


"Hey, dad."

"Ellie, dear. What are you doing?"

I held up the dress. "Picking up the gown for tomorrow's meeting."

"Oh. That's good."

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know," he answered. 

He looked up at me, looking so tired.

"Are you worried about Kallisto?"

"Yeah. Kallisto. Your vision. This battle sounds more fierce than the last."

I nodded my head. "It was a lot more intense. I keep seeing it in my mind over and over again."

"You remember it?" he asked.

I nodded my head. "Yeah. Of course."

"Are you any good at drawing?" he questioned.

"Drawing? Like pictures?"


"Um, yeah. I'm alright."

"Okay. I have an idea. It's going to sound crazy." He pulled out some paper and pencils and pushed them toward me. "Draw what you saw."

"Draw it?"

"Yeah. Draw the battle. At least what you can remember. Maybe we can figure something out?"

"That's a great idea!" I said.

I placed the dress on a chair near the door and sat across from Orsand. I sat down and picked up the pencil. I stared at the paper, almost willing the battle scene to just appear.

Putting the pencil to the paper, my vision came to life as I remembered everyone who was there.

Battle of the Kingdoms: Moon Born 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang