Chapter 13: Shinwa Island (Part 3)

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Part #3: Welcome to Shinwa


They followed Mint and the rest of the Shaymin as they flew through the fog. As Ash looked around, observing the area, he noticed something in the water. It was a rock in the shape of a crude star underwater. As they continued on, Ash noticed another, and another. 'So they form a path..'

Suddenly, they broke through the fog and arrived at an island.

"This is Shinwa Island."


Shinwa Island was a little bit bigger than Poni Island, and there were luscious trees and plenty of pokemon. There was a sparkling blue lagoon, and a cliff jutted over the water to the right. Mint guided them as they flew over the island. Ash glanced down and saw a grazing Virizion, who looked up at him. Pikachu noticed a Suicune by a lake, and a Phione jumped out of the water playfully, diving back in. Sunshine saw a Keldeo, and waved at it.

Mint pointed out all the landmarks and places of interest, along with giving a bit of history and lore; she was surprisingly good at acting as a tour guide (though maybe it wasn't that surprising, seeing as someone had to give the tours to the pokemon visiting and passing through on vacation). She told them about the island's delicacy, a kind of sandwich made with the herbs and seasonings found only on Shinwa, and made specially by their resident chefs, Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour.

They flew up to the top of particularly large hill, which was located directly in the center of, and overlooked, the island. On top of it was an ancient-looking temple, with Arceus's symbols on either side of the entrance. There was a smaller temple on each side of the large one. The left one had a Dragon and Fighting symbol on either side of the entrance, and the one on the right had an Electric and Dragon symbol on either side.

"Ooh, what's that?" Sparkle asked curiously, pointing at the building, which was partially covered in vines. "Those are the Paradox Ruins. Millenniums ago, there was a small tribe of humans who lived on this island in harmony with the pokemon. They worshipped the three amazing pokemon whom they believed to be gods. The largest temple is dedicated to Arceus. The other two are for the current guardians and rulers of Shinwa Island-"

"Mint! We found Comet! And you need to hear this!"

Everyone turned to a quickly approaching Shaymin as it shouted to them. Mint looked over worriedly. "We better check that out. Lead the way, Skye!" Mint shouted to the other Shaymin, who nodded and turned around, flying back the way she came. They flew after her, and a few moments later, they arrived at the cliff overlooking the clear blue water.

"Comet!" Mint touched down and quickly ran through the group of Shaymin surrounding their leader. Comet was a shiny Shaymin, slightly larger than the others. "Guys, quick, we need to put up all of our defenses! Pokemon poachers are coming!"

"But shouldn't they have been scared off? What happened?" Mint looked over to the group of Shaymin who had stayed back when he and a few others had brought Ash and company to the island. They looked at each other in shame and fear. "I-it was horrible! After we found Comet, a bunch of big boats appeared through the fog!" "Yeah, and there was evil pokemon attacking us!" "They shot nets, and Mayflower, Leo, and Breeze got captured!" The panicked voices of multiple Shaymin spoke up.

Comet then noticed the figures near the back. "Humans?! What are they doing here?" He turned quickly to Mint, who looked down guiltily. "They saw through us and overpowered us, and since we checked and they didn't have bad intentions, I decided to let them come here." "But they could be with those evil humans!" Ash walked towards the protectors' leader, followed by his pokemon. "Look, I get that you don't trust us, and you have no reason to. But we aren't, nor will we ever be, associated with poachers." he said firmly. Comet eyed him. "And why should I trust anything you say?" "Because your Kirlia friend checked us." Comet sighed in resignation, before shaking his head. "Fine, you can stay. But we need to go out and get rid of those other humans, before they get too close." he said.

"We'll help!" Sunshine exclaimed, and this time the others all agreed. Comet nodded at them, not wanting to waste any more valuable time arguing. Besides, these newcomers might turn out to be an asset. "Let's go." They all took off, following behind the shiny Shaymin. They flew as fast as possible, before coming through a thick fog. A beam of light breaking through the fog, followed by a distant shout of "over there!", and suddenly they were being bombarded by multiple attacks from three sides.

Breaking through the fog, all the pokemon attacked, and Ash shot out a barrage of aura spheres. Nets were fired from the three large ships, who were now identified as their adversaries. From their high vantage point, Ash couldn't see them very well, but it looked like they... No.

Concentrating his aura into his eyes, he enhanced his eyesight and looked down at the boats. Sure enough, he was right. Oh how he hated being right. For on the side of each of the boats, was a big red letter R.

Ash grimaced. Luckily, they were high enough up to just be large dots against the sky. There's no way they'd recognize him (and really, most of them wouldn't know who he was anyway). Still...

Ash looked around the deck of the largest of the three, wo seemed to be leading the assault. There were multiple Team Rocket grunts operating the net-firing cannons, and others commanding their pokemon in battle. Just then, a flamethrower came blasting from somewhere near the front of the ship. A very strong one. Ash looked over and saw a large Charizard. It was bigger than average, just barely smaller than his. However, standing behind it... Yep. So, while he was off looking for a mythical island, he was out poaching pokemon. Kinda makes you wonder why neither of them were normal.

Ahhh! I'm sorry for dropping off the face of the earth (again), but hopefully this will make up for it! I finally have a better outline of the plot and where I want to go with it (a bit late I know), so hopefully we'll be able to get there soon! The next chapter should be out a little, since it's already almost finished. Hope you enjoyed!

- PokeMeow

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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