Chapter 5: Flight Conversation

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Ash walked to the academy 3 days later with all the stuff he needed in his 4 dimensional bag. This time, Sparkle and Ray were coming since they wanted to go back to Pikachu Valley, Satin and Sunshine wanted to go back to where they hatched, Poipole wanted to visit his family and friends in Ultra Space, and Solgaleo wanted to visit. Ash decided to just bring Pikachu and Mew. He had created a portal in the forest so the rest of his pokemon could get to him if something was wrong, or they just wanted to see him, since he would be gone for a week, and the twins, siblings, Solgaleo, and Poipole were going to go through it once Ash had gotten to Alola. He didn't think it would be a good idea to have all of them on a plane or however they were getting to Alola.

Ash went to the principal's office, where the Master Class students were meeting that morning. The gang all had large suitcases and the Shadow Gang had somewhat large bags with them. Matt and Carly arrived just behind Ash. "How did you fit all your things in that bag?" Dawn asked incredulously, referring to Ash's medium sized bag. Ash shrugged.

"Alright. We'll be taking a bus to the airport and flying to Alola." Professor Sycamore said. They went outside as a bus drove in. They all piled into the bus, and Ash got in the very back seat, sitting by himself. They drove off.

About an hour later they arrived at the airport. They got out and went in. Professor Sycamore booked them all tickets. After an hour of hanging out, a voice said, "Take-off for the flight to Alola is in 15 minutes. Please be at the boarding gate at least 10 minutes prior to take-off. Thank you." "Come on. We are to go to gate B-6." Professor Sycamore said, leading the group. It took about 7 minutes to get there. A few minutes later, the person at a desk by the boarding gate said into the microphone, "Please line up to at the boarding gate in an orderly fashion."

The group boarded the plane. Ash looked and saw his assigned seat was 25D and sat down next to the window, putting his bag down by his feet. He looked out the window. A moment later, he heard some shuffling nearby and turned to see Red sitting down beside him.

"Hey." Red said. Ash just stared. "Why are you still here?" he asked. Red looked a bit surprised. "'Cuz why not?" he replied. "Aren't you afraid? I know you're here. The league knows you're here. Why didn't you bail?" Ash asked. Red gave a small smirk. "Do they know that I specifically am here, though? I don't think they know. I don't think they even know who I am, because I don't think you told them." "You think. You said it yourself, you don't know. What if I did tell them?" Ash said. "What's the difference? You and I both know you didn't. You couldn't. Because I know you still care."

The plane took off and Ash was quiet. He heard a small shuffling behind him and a small "Achoo!" but waved it off as just another passenger.

Then suddenly, he looked up at Red. "Do you even know?" "Know what?" Red asked. "Know how much you hurt me that day. It took me years to get over it. I told myself you still cared, at least a little bit. I told myself you'd come back. But you didn't. And then I knew you were gone. The old you was gone. And that's when I told myself I would never again be that little helpless kid who couldn't do anything." Red looked at him, a bit of shock showing in his face. Once he got his emotions under control, he replied, "Look, I didn't know. I didn't know I hurt you that much. I did mean to come and find you again. But then I got so caught up in my own things that I forgot. I'm sorry I hurt you." he said. And for once, Ash could tell it was sincere. He turned away. "That doesn't change what you did. You know I could never forgive you for what happened. Never." Red watched him with eyes that hadn't shown emotion in a long time, but finally revealed what he felt. "I'm sorry." he said, before turning away.

As Ash looked out the window, watching the clouds go by, he told himself he couldn't. As tears threatened to burst, he told himself he couldn't. Because he had made a promise to himself.

He would never again be that little helpless kid who couldn't do anything.

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