Chapter 12: Shinwa Island (Part 2)

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Part #2: Protectors - Shaymin!


The moves connected, causing a small explosion. They heard a small cry, but couldn't tell what had happened. Suddenly, a giant solar beam broke through the fog, heading straight for them!


Everyone fired their strongest moves at the oncoming solar beam. Ash sent a beam of aura to back them up. The solar beam and the powerful attacks met and a large explosion sent wind pushing them all back. Waves splashed in the water.

Nearby, many of the people living on the island of Akala wondered what kind of being had created the explosion.

The beam of powerful attacks broke through the solar beam and shot on. But the huge pokemon was gone. "Something that big doesn't just disappear." Satin frowned. Suddenly, there were small voices all around them.

"Ahh! You attacked us!" "How could you?" "It didn't work?" "Where'd Comet go?" "Leave us alone!" "Go away!" and many other insults I shan't name were thrown at them.

Ash and his pokemon looked confusedly around in the fog. They could just see a bunch of figures with horns coming out of their heads floating around in the fog. "What in the name of Arceus?" Ray asked. Pikachu and Sparkle shot sparks towards them, shining more light on them.

"Are those..Shaymin?"

"Dang right we are!" one of them shouted. "And you attacked us!" another one exclaimed. "Well how were we supposed to know you were so small?" Pikachu shot back. A bunch of Shaymin flew towards them from all directions.

"That's the whole point, dummy!" a Shaymin replied, coming to the front of the others. "We make it look like we're bigger so we can scare off intruders like you. We're here to protect this island." he said. "But you shot a solar beam at us!" Mew said. "You attacked us first!" came the many shouts of the crowd of Shaymin. "And now we can't find Comet!" another one said. The Shaymin in front looked around. "Uh-oh. He really is gone." he said.

"Sorry, but who's Comet?" Ash asked. The Shaymin looked up at him, as if deciding whether to say or not. "He's our leader. And the strongest of us. That solar beam you saw earlier had to be at least 40% him, and then the rest of us added to it." he replied finally. "By the way, my name's Mint. Second in command, if you will." Mint said.

"Anyways, I'm afraid you'll have to leave." he said. Mew tilted her head. "And why would we do that?" she asked. "Because you're not supposed to be here." he stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Well I'm sorry, but we've been looking for this place, and we're not leaving." Pikachu said. "Yeah!" the siblings exclaimed. "I don't know..I mean, it is their home, so maybe we should go.." Sunshine said worriedly.

"Look, you seem like a nice bunch, but we've got our leader to look for, so if you'll kindly just leave.." Mint watched them judgingly, but they all stayed put. "No. Just show us where your island is and we'll leave you alone." Pikachu replied stubbornly. Mint sighed. "Okay. How about this. We'll have a pokemon come from our island to see whether or not you hold ill intent. If you don't, we'll show you where it is."

Ash and his pokemon silently looked at each other and nodded. "Okay." Ash said. Mint nodded and looked at the group of Shaymin. Another one flew forward and Mint said something. It flew off fast. About two minutes later, a pokemon appeared.


A Kirlia stood, looking around curiously. "I brought her just as you instructed." the Shaymin who had flown off said. Apparently the Kirlia had teleported them both back. "Good. Now, could you please tell us whether these people have ill intent?" Mint asked the Kirlia. She nodded and faced Ash and his pokemon. She used her powers to sense their emotions.

In Pikachu, she saw anticipation and slight distrust. In Mew she saw happiness, excitement, and something like playfulness. In Satin she sensed a little bit of distrust and some curiosity. In Sunshine she saw curiosity, excitement, and overall happiness. In Sparkle she felt enjoyment and interest. In Ray she sensed contentment, interest, and anticipation.

In Ash...Kirlia saw turmoil. She wasn't sure what the dominating emotion was, because there were so many. Distrust, sadness, interest, anger, apprehension, bitterness, overall tiredness, and a bunch more were what Kirlia sensed. Kirlia was pretty sure he wasn't a threat, but more of someone who kept everything to themself.


"Alright. You may return to the island." Mint said. Kirlia nodded. "Glad to be of service." she said, before disappearing. Mint turned to Ash and his pokemon. "Follow us."

They followed Mint and the rest of the Shaymin as they flew through the fog. As Ash looked around, observing the area, he noticed something in the water. It was a rock in the shape of a crude star underwater. As they continued on, Ash noticed another, and another. 'So they form a path..'

Suddenly, they broke through the fog and arrived at an island.

"This is Shinwa Island."

Heyy! Without further ado, I shall show you the pics!

Heyy! Without further ado, I shall show you the pics!

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