Chapter 1: Attack On The Academy

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It had been a month since the whole Clash Of Academies and the world footage events. Things had been pretty quiet, apart from the troublesome group being annoying every now and then.

Ash had kept true to his word and hadn't told anyone about Matthew and Carly's secret. He wasn't as hostile to them, but didn't exactly enjoy their company either.


Ash was walking towards the forest with Pikachu, Mew, and the twins.

From behind him, a loud explosion sounded, and a bunch of students came running their way. "What's going on!" Ash shouted. One of student stopped. "The academy- It's under attack! Some guys in black clothing- Big red R! They threw down an explosive near the battlefields- They're throwing down more! Everyone's evacuating!" the boy explained through gasps and pants, catching his breath before running off again.

Ash, Mew, Pikachu, and the twins all looked at each other. "We need to stop Team Rocket!" Ash and his Pokemon took off, heading for the academy.

As the building came into view, they saw that a small chunk of the left side of the academy was on fire. A few of the battlefields had large craters marring them, and hordes of students were evacuating from the building, with the teachers overseeing the chaos. By the time they arrived, almost everyone was gone, though there were still a couple of students getting out.

Ash saw Red and Silver standing near one of the fires and gritted his teeth. Of course they would be looking on as their school was being destroyed. Orchestrating it, even! He really had no way to know.

*WE NEED BACKUP! EVERYONE!* Ash shouted through aura to his Pokemon who were currently residing in the forest. The ground rumbled as around a hundred Pokemon burst through the trees and fired attacks at the the helicopter that, upon being hit, exploded.

"EVERYONE! YOUR STRONGEST MOVES!" Ash shouted above the chaos. His Pokemon complied and fired their most powerful moves at the helicopters. Team Rocket let out their own Pokemon who countered the moves, but were knocked out with a maximum of two moves from Ash's Pokemon.

Ash turned towards where Red and Silver had been standing, but they'd disappeared. However, he was just in time to see a large, flaming chuck of the west wing of the building break off, and begin falling towards an unconscious student.

Out of pure instinct, Ash thrust out his hands and used his aura to take control of it, and stop it from falling. He redirected it and threw it at a nearby helicopter, which exploded a moment later.

He was completely unaware of a certain group of students who had witnessed the entire ordeal.

With The Gang

The group had been separated in the rush of students who were trying to get out of the academy. They had met back up behind the school, where it was less crowded.

"Why are these people attacking us?!" May exclaimed. "Maybe they hold a grudge?" Drew suggested. "Against stone?!" Max shouted. "Well I was thinking more along the lines of the Principal or-"

He was cut off as another explosive was dropped near the west wing, caving in a large part of the wall and lighting it on fire. "We have to get out of here!" Brock exclaimed. They all nodded, and they ran across the back of the academy, turning the corner. They kept running and turned again, arriving in front of the academy.

"Is that Red and Silver?" Dawn asked, stopping. "Where?" Bonnie asked. Dawn pointed across the academy at two figures standing in front of one of the fires, covered partially by the shadow of the building. "Hard to tell." Clemont replied, squinting and adjusting his glasses. "Look! Someone's coming!" Gary said, pointing towards a figure that slowly grew larger as it came closer to the academy.

"Is that Ash?!" Serena asked. "Why is he here?!" Misty exclaimed. "And why is he headed towards the fire?!" May shouted. They all started towards him, when the ground began shaking. "What's happening?!" Gary said. Just then, a bunch of Pokemon burst through the trees and began firing moves at the helicopter.

"EVERYONE! YOUR STRONGEST MOVES!" Ash commanded. The Pokemon started using their moves on the helicopters, making them explode on impact. "Wait- They're all listening to him?! But that has to mean they're all his Pokemon!" Max said. "No way!" Drew exclaimed.

"Look! That stone is going to hit on that kid!" Bonnie shouted. The group looked over to where she was pointing and saw the large rock heading for the unconscious student.

That was when they witnessed the unthinkable.

The gang watched in shock as the rock stopped midair. It was surrounded in a strange blue glow. Then it launched itself at a helicopter, causing it to explode. "Look at Ash!" Misty shouted. They all turned to look at Ash and saw him glowing blue just like the rock had been, surrounded in aura.

"What in the world..?"


Nearby, Matthew and Carly were running towards the academy, having made up their mind to help fight. They arrived just as Ash threw the large piece of building at the helicopter.

"Was that...Ash?"

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