The Pleasure In Disaster.

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Bonus: Ghost's POV

I watched TV for a bit, but I ended up dozing off on the couch. I woke up jumpy; facing a pair of bright blue eyes. Its was Keegan.

- Hey, cookie thief! Sorry I scared you! You alive?

- Wha... Keegan? - I've rubbed my eyes and sat down, looking around.

- You were really out for a while, so I tried to see if you were okay. - he got up from his squat, stretching his back.

- I'm fine, thank you... I guess I was more tired than I cared to admit.

- It happens, though. That's your first mission ever, so it takes a bit while to get used to it.

- Where's everybody? - I got up, stretching myself.

- Ghost, Price and Rodolfo went for a recon of the city of Las Almas; apparently the terrorists have been blending among the citizens. - Keegan went to the kitchen to get a drink. - Want a beer?

- Nah, enjoy. But I want some coffee! - I headed to the kitchen to prepare some coffee.

- Jesus, girl! It's nearly dinner time! - he laughed, sipping his beer.

- God knows for how long I'll be up tonight... And the rest of the crew?

- Gaz and Soap are studying the area near the safehouse. Pretty sure they are at the beach. Colonel Alejandro is at the backyard, tho. - he took another sip of his beer. - As for myself, I'll take a quick nap before the Captain comes back. I'm beat.

I smiled at Keegan as he left to his room and finished brewing my coffee, getting myself a full mug. I've put on my headphones and sat at the back porch, enjoying the fresh breeze. The weather was easily on the 90 degrees and up.

Alejandro noticed me sitting at the back porch, and walked towards me with his smile framing on his face. He was browsing a tablet with reports.

- Good day, señorita! Outstanding work on the recon today!

- Thank you sir!

- I finally received your profile report from General Sheperd today. I'm impressed!

- It's my first time as a field operator, sir. - I was feeling shy. - training is nothing compared to real time situations.

- You're downplaying yourself, cariño! When a real time situation occurs, you'll know what to do. You're the daughter of El Satanás; like father like daughter!

I had no words to reply that. It was obvious that Mr. Price, Alejandro and many others relied on my late father's legacy. I felt the weight of that expectation crushing my shoulders. I looked at my coffee mug, uncertain of what to think at that moment.

- I understand that your father made things that were unspeakable, but he did what he could to help those in need. Take pride on that... And be better than him.

- Can I be honest, Colonel Vargas?

- Call me Alejandro, cariño.

- Well, Alejandro... Here's the thing: I'm no better than my father. As you've read in my profile, I grew up in a poor neighborhood in Brazil; I've seen violence in first hand. I'm desensitized and traumatized. The worst is that I hid these "traits" from my mom out of respect, but my dad picked up on that.

- And what did he tell you about it?

- He cried... And said "I failed you" when he was hugging me. I still remember how confused I felt when he did that... But now, years later, I understand him.

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