(Un)known Territory.

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I woke up feeling rested, but I was still mentally tired. I rolled to the opposite site of the bed and it was empty. Johnny wasn't there.
I was wondering if that was a thing between soldiers because I hated that behavior. I got up and went straight to the master bedroom; I needed a shower. I was a bit sweaty from sleeping cuddled with Johnny; he was a human oven! I barely felt the need of the comforter with his presence on me the entire night.

I took a quick shower and decided for a white tank top and an open grey hoodie, jeans and some old work boots. I was really looking like a tomboy, but that was better than fake femininity.
I headed downstairs expecting an awkward interaction, since I was being the pivot of an unwanted situationship.

-... Good morning, Ghost.

-... Morning. - he didn't dare to glance at me.

- Good morning, me lassie! - Johnny walked towards me, holding my face for a quick kiss.

- Are you guys about to be deployed? - I looked at the backpacks being prepared.

- Eh, something like that! - Johnny nervously giggled.

- You're coming with us.

That statement from Ghost made me shake my head and widen my eyes. Am I tagging along too?!? Am I even allowed to be in their base...? But Ghost kept talking, clarifying my confusion:

- You'll learn about the premises and the people involved. You won't be put into mission nor anything of the sort. You're not qualified for the field; your job is solely administrative.

- Okay, I get it now... Thank you.

All I heard back was an annoyed grunt. My shoulders tensed up, because I knew that he would switch off his emotions to avoid me at all costs, especially now with Johnny tecnically dating me. I've rushed to the master bedroom and had set up a small backpack for myself before leaving; they both patiently waited for me to return.

I looked at the two remaining letters from my dad and shoved them inside the backpack, in hopes that I will have the opportunity to read them at the regiment. I've put his dog tag and kissed the plaques. I was nervous.

I headed straight downstairs, and they both were staring at me. I felt like having butterflies in my stomach; Ghost was keeping a dominant gaze, while Johnny seemed mesmerized; his blue eyes were gleaming. I didn't know how to deal with all that; I was starting to feel uncomfortable.

Ghost locked up his flat and a military jeep was parked in front of it. We entered the vehicle, and got welcomed by the driver. The co-pilot was concealing a weapon on his lap; I was honestly scared.

- Good morning, Lieutenant Ghost! Sargeant MacTavish! M'Lady! - the driver saluted.

- Morning.

- Good morning, Cadet!

-Good morning...!

- We received orders to transport you and the civilian lady straight up to the 141 Regiment transportation, sir. - the weaponized guy looked at us.

- Copy that. Any extra notification? - Ghost was turning his phone off.

- Negative, sir. We'll drop you off at the northeast helipad.

Ghost nodded in approval and the jeep took off to whatever the Regiment transportation was.
I was a bit sleepy so I was dozing off pretty often. Suddenly I got poked; I nearly jumped out of my seat, completely confused. Johnny was patiently trying to wake me up.

- Time for some flight, Elise!

Once I got out of the jeep, the both soldiers saluted at me. I reciprocated, still a bit confused. They smiled while Johnny escorted me towards a huge helicopter. My stomach dropped when I noticed that it didn't have doors.

- There's no doors, Johnny... - I was shaking.

- No need to worry, lassie! You'll sit in the middle and I'll sit next to ye... And it has safety belts, if ye want to!

- I do want the belts! - I grabbed his arm, terrified by the whole experience.

In less than an hour we were landing in another helipad in the middle of nowhere. Johnny helped me hop out of the helicopter holding my backpack. Ghost glanced at me, but walked straight up towards Mr. Price, who was waiting for us.

- Welcome to the 141 Special Task Force, my child! - he welcomed me with arms wide open.

- Thank you, sir! - I didn't know if I should hug him or salute him.

- We're outside so no formalities yet, my child. Gimme a hug, will ya? - his laugh was loud.

I hugged him tight, hiding my face in his chest. He was a muscular man himself; it was unbelievable that he had the same age range as my dad if alive. His warmth was soothing and comforting; I wanted to cry. He was surprised by my intense hug, but reciprocated in the most caring way. I could definitely understand why my dad chose Mr. Price to be my guardian.

- To think that I saw a picture of you when you were a wee bit lass in nappies, and now look at you... Such a beautiful soul. Welcome to the regiment 141, Annelise St. John-Torres.

I recomposed myself from the hug with tears in my eyes. I was in the same environment my dad spent most of his life in it! I would be witnessing his routine, his partnerships, maybe even his life risks. Not in the same way as he did, but that was close enough to him for me. I was happy.

- I won't disappoint you, Captain! - my voice was breaking while I saluted.

- I know you won't, my child. I know you won't.

Captain Price saluted back at me and I cried. He somewhat knew how that was important to me. From that point forward, I wanted to make my parents proud, and this time it was my dad. I wanted to live in his world just as much I lived in my mom's. I wanted to be the best version of them both.
I became strong for my mom... Now I'll be the warrior for my dad.

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