Chapter Four "Drawing Book"

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You Woke up and you see Wednesday?
WHAT why is she in my room, well ajax and my room. She's looking for something? You stood up and asked her what she's doing and then you see
A F*CKING HAND? you screamed in shock. She replied she's looking for a specific book, That might be here somewhere. She leaves after she searched the whole room.

*First Person*

I went to my desk and reviewed some of my subjects. Until I hear a knock. I opened it and see it's Enid. Though I know she just woke up since she's still in her pj's and is yawning. But still pretty. I welcomed her in my room. She asks if she was disturbing i said
"Nononono it's completely fine. And your always welcome here."

I went back on reviewing and she just looks around my room. she sees my drawing book and she looks through it. I heard the pages and I quickly took the drawing book and closed it. Hoping she didn't see my drawing. But she looked at me and she said
"I loved your drawing of me, though why are you insecure about it?"

Ugh of course she saw it. Good thing she didn't realize that I drew her cuz I keep thinking about her. Another good thing is she liked it. No she loved it!

Good thing she didn't look to far since I had drawings of her and me together. Or maybe she did. OH NO.

I asked her "Uhm so how far did you see??" she replied "I don't quite remember but I think it's the one where your leaning towards me?"
"F*CK F*CK F*CK SHE DID SEE IT" I thought. She said "hey so wanna go to class together? We're kind of late to class." I agreed. She said "oh and uhm do you mind if I borrow your clothes since my room is like 2 buildings away?" I said "of course. But I'm not sure if my clothes fit you" we tried them on and it's a bit big but it's fine since we're late.

Then we went to class and first subject is... English. And did I mention it's my second favorite?
Apparently it's Enid's favorite! The topic was literature and pronouns. Sounds interesting. And I got the hang of the topic real fast! I keep raising my hand and answering. Ms. Thornhills seems suprised. And hey I got a perfect score!

Well. I kind off let Enid copy off me so she got a perfect score aswell. Since she got a perfect score,
Ms. Thornhills asked her to answer 5 questions on the board. Good thing I taught her sign language. So I just used sign language to tell the answer to her!

She was relieved when she was done. Good thing it was correct! She got a good job from Ms. Thornhills aswell.
Enid high fived me. And we went out the class together. And did I mention we were holding hands? Then I saw ajax for a split second death staring me. Oh no. Does he think I'm stealing Enid from her. OH NO HES WALKING TOWARDS US-

Hehehe a bit of a cliffhanger Soo what did you think of this chapter?? As always please leave some recommendations and some tips. Love y'all <33

Enid Sinclair X Female Reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang