Chapter Seven "Merry Christmas"

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You Woke Up And Realized It's Christmas! since it's Christmas weems decided that there shouldn't be school today. weems also decided that parents should come! so you wait for your parents. it's been almost 4 hours and your parents still aren't there. Finally you hear a knock on your dorm. You see your parents and behind them. Robert and Casey? You hug them in happiness.

They asked you if you saw the letter.
You nodded. you introduce enid and Wednesday to them. They seem to have loved Enid already. Though Wednesday is alright?

*First Person*

We all decided to play musical chairs.
I wanted to beat ajax so bad..
The first eliminated is Wednesday. Not surprising. Then divina. Then Kent then yoko. Then bianca. Only six of us left.. Ajax, Enid, Xavier, Me, Robert, Casey. Casey then got eliminated. Then Xavier. Then Robert. And then Enid. Of course Me and ajax are the only ones left.

the last round is a running one. We're gonna wait for the music to end then run to the chair across the room. finally the music stopped. I didn't even waste a second to run. sh*t ajax is ahead then *CRASH* apparently. He ran so fast he crashed into the wall. I kinda laughed but still running to get to the chair. And I did I F*CKING WON! I got a prize. And Also a hug from Enid.. Robert and Casey were laughing so hard you can hear it across the room.

Next game is.. past the message. Though our version is in action. Not whisper. So I'm in the front. And the word was.. motorcycle? So I acted as if I was riding a motorcycle and passed it to Xavier. Xavier passed it to bianca bianca passed it to yoko then divina then Kent, Robert, Casey and we decided to put Wednesday last since she doesn't quite act. And we were battling against the parents.

Ajax ruined it. Ajax acted to Wednesday as if he was drinking even though he clearly knew it was a motorcycle. Wednesday said that it was drinking which was wrong. The parents got the point. Which sucks alot. Everyone got mad at ajax and disqualified him. Every parent got 10 dollars as a prize. I could've really used that money.

The games went on. I always win if it's individual player games. But ajax always ruins team games.

We decided it's time for exchange gift.
We Write our names in paper that weems gave us and put it in a container and they shaked it. We then took one piece of paper and give our gift to the person we got. well how lucky for me I got F*CKING AJAX out of all why him. I gave the gift to him.
Enid got me so she gave me the gift. I opened it and I received chocolates. I loved it.

Then it's time for gift giving. First up is Bianca. No one really liked bianca so like only 2 people gave her gifts. Just divina and Kent. I felt bad I should've wrapped her a gift. Kent got 2 gifts. From bianca and divina. Divina got 3 gifts. From bianca, Kent, and yoko. Then yoko we gave her gifts. She got 5 gifts. Divina, bianca, Kent, Xavier, and mine. Then Xavier. He got 4 gifts. Wednesdays, ajax, Enid, and mine, and ajax kind of received nothing... Then it's Wednesdays turn.
She got 5 gifts. Enid, Xavier, ajax, Apparently Tyler snuck in to get Wednesday his gift then went out, mine,. Then it's Enid's turn. She got 4 gifts. Wednesday, Xavier, yoko, mine. Enid read the note that I sticked to the gift. It says " Merry Christmas Enid. I Hope you Know how much you mean to me. And how much I love you.." then it's my turn! I got 7 gifts.
Wednesday, Enid, xavier, yoko, bianca, divina, Kent. Of course ajax didn't.

Then we ate. I sat beside Xavier and Enid. Enid on my left. Xavier on my right and Casey and Robert Infront of me. After we ate, Casey, Robert and I talked for awhile. I also asked them if they got my gift. They nodded. then we said goodbye. I also talked to my parents and also said goodbye. I went back to my dorm. And I found Enid in her bed then she offered me to sleep with her. I agreed. "This Is The Best Christmas I had."

Soo what do you guys think of this chapter? I think it was really sloppy..

Thank You Guys So Much For 300 Reads! I Love You All So Much <333
- kai

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