Chapter Two "Pretty Girl"

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You went inside the school with your parents to of course, meet the Principal. Apparently, your principal's name is "swims? Or whatever it was"

*Back To Your Friends*
Your friends saw the letter you gave them and it read:

"Hi, by the time you're reading this letter, I've probably already left for school. I'm really sad because i left without you guys, but I'll never leave your hearts. My parents said it was for the greater good to change schools. Don't worry, I'll send you guys more letters for updates. Make sure to also make me some! :) Remember, I love you guys. I'll miss you both, also miss your chaotic doings
Love, Y/N"

They cried because of the letter and made sure to make another letter, they're not sure when to send it. so they just kept the letter for now.

*Back To Y/N*

You found out that your principal's name is actually "weems" not "swims". That was quite embarrassing since, you've been calling her "swims" for the past few minutes. Principal Weems says that they usually don't accept students mid-term but, because of your good grades they accepted it.
Principal Weems escorted you to your room where you met your roommate. His name is "Ajax? yeesh let's hope I got his name correct." You thought.
Apparently he has "Medusa like" hair?
"Oh so that explains the beanie." You thought.
Well, he greeted you and you greeted him.

*1st Person*

Principal Weems suggested Ajax to welcome me and show me around the school. Ajax agreed. So, he showed me the quad and the groups. He showed me the werewolves, which a girl caught my eye. Wow she looks beautiful....Then Ajax interrupted me and my thoughts and introduced me to the Vampire group. Someone then talked to me and said,
"I'm Yoko, Yoko Tanaka and you are?"
"Oh I'm Y/N nice to meet you!" I then shaked her hand. I excused myself and went to the girl I thought was beautiful. I saw that she was talking to other people. She has beautiful blonde hair with blue and pink highlights. She's also a bit short.
I tapped her shoulder and introduced myself.
"Hi, im Y/N L/N nice to meet you!"
I said. She smiled and said
"Hi! I'm Enid, Enid Sinclair nice to meet you too!" "Her smile Makes her even more pretty." I thought.
Ajax interrupted me AGAIN, and said
"Oh hey, I see you've met my girlfriend." "GIRLFRIEND?!" I thought.
"I mean it's fine since I don't have a crush on her anyway.....Do I?" I thought."Oh she's your girlfriend? That's cool." I said. "We're gonna go somewhere so uh..... bye" Ajax said.
"Bye it was fun meeting you!" Enid said smiling. I don't know why I felt some sort of jealousy when Ajax said she's his girlfriend. I carried on with my day meeting other people, and hey I already have a best friend! His name is Xavier he's pretty funny he reminds me of Robert. Gosh I miss him and Casey. I'll make another letter for them.

"Heyyy it's me again, this day has been so fun for me. but it would've been more fun with you guys. Though, ive met a friend! His name is Xavier he has a cool superpower! He can make drawings real! Pretty awesome right? I also have a roommate his name is Ajax! He has a pretty girlfriend-

Maybe I should remove the pretty girlfriend part. I crumpled the paper and threw it in the bin before getting a new clean sheet of paper.

"Hey! It's me again, this day has been so fun for me, but it would've been more fun with you guys. Though, I've met a friend! His name is Xavier he has a cool superpower! He can make drawings real! Pretty awesome right? I also have a roommate his name is Ajax! Though I really miss you guys. As always, love you both."

I sent the letter to the mailman and slept, "This school is pretty interesting" I thought.

Sooo a bit of Enid now :))
As always please send me some recommendations of what should I do :)) love y'all -kai

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