Chapter 27

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Bathing and changing into a loose tunic and trousers I kiss Thranduil farewell before walking to the barracks. Inside is bright a few snippits of conversation reaching my ears. Pushing open the door I jump back as Koa and the rest of the guards I work so closely with jump out "Surprise." 

I laugh shutting the door taking in the gathered elves all of whom faught alongside me many times "We wanted to give you a proper send of. Congratulations by the way captain." I shake my head slightly smiling "I am no longer Captain." Garren, Amras, Tirian, Lyan and several others grin slapping Koa on the back while he smiles bashfully "You'll always be our captain just like Ophir." Ophir chuckles stepping forward "I am happy for you my dear. I am afraid I am leaving these shores shortly. But I wish you all the happiness in the world. Koa will be an excellent Captain and you are going to make a wonderful Queen."

I wrap my arms around him grinning "Thank you Ophir. I'll miss you." he chuckles pulling away "Shall we celebrate our last evening as a company?" Koa grins handing around glasses raising his to the ceiling "To Y/N." I shake my head raising my own "No, to all of us." We all drink soon relaxing into drinking and talking reminising over old battle stories laughing at memories of pranks and small mistakes. 

The sun has just started to rise as I make my way back to my room leaving Koa and Garren the last two standing. Thranduil is sitting up in bed reading a book "You look like you enjoyed yourself." I grin falling onto the bed snuggling into his chest "We haven't had the chance for all of us to get together in a long while. It was lovely." he chuckles brushing a hand over my head "I am glad. Though I do advise you should bathe before we leave." I grin moving closer "Are you saying I smell?" he chuckles kissing my forhead "Good thing I love you unconditionaly." I laugh sitting up and kissing him gently "I'll go and bathe."

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