Chapter 21

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After two days I am able to stand and walk about. "You look much better." I turn away from the window curtseying "Yes thank you. And thank you for the dress its beautiful."

"It is no problem

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"It is no problem. It suits you." He joins me by the window looking out over the forest "Will you be returning home soon?" I shrug slightly "I suppose so. But the healer adviceded I wait a few more days." 

"Would you like to take a turn around the gardens?" 
"I would love too." Thranduil leads the way out into the gardens which have grown considerably since I last saw them but still beautiful. All the flowers are in full bloom in the afternoon sun, the air warm and sweet. "How fares your sister?" I grin folding my arms behind my back "She is happy in her position as Queen. However struggling to find a husband, she is difficult to get along with. I love my sister but well you probably remember her." 

He chuckles nodding "Yes I remember." He opens the gate into the royal gardens settling on one of the benches "What about you?" I sit next to him my dress fanning around my legs "Me?" 

"Are you married?" I laugh shaking my head "No I am not." For a moment I am transported back to the camp outside Gondor. "That is a surprise, although I am happy to hear that you are still available."

"Oh?" he reaches out taking my hand gently "I meant what I said at Gondor and time has not changed that." I turn finding him closer than before hope shining in his eyes "I am sorry for being so forward." I feel my ears and cheeks heating as I search for the right words "Thranduil I'm not very good at this sort of thing, haven't had any practice I suppose. I also meant what I said you are constantly on my mind, even on the battelfield I was worrying about you. I believe you asked to spend time together?"

He smirks slightly "I did." I slide closer squeezing his hand "Then I suppose that is what we will have to do. I don't see why I can't stay a while longer." his smile widens as he leans closer his forehead resting against mine "Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?" I nod cheeks heating again "That sounds lovely."

He pulls away first pulling me to my feet "My chambers seven oclock. I will have a guard come and collect you." We walk back side by side in a sort of daze, Thranduil leaves me by my room bowing his head and kissing the back of my hand "Until tonight princess."

He leaves while I push open my door. Dinner, tonight. I start pacing trying to calm my racing heart. Jumping backwards when Kaito appears on the window ledge "Hello old friend." I stroke his head gently staring out the window "I have to go get ready for tonight. Can you take a note to Koa?" he caws twice waiting on the balcony while I write a quick letter to Koa explaining my descion to stay longer although leaving out the details as to why. 

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