Chapter 26

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Once we have walked into the trees out of hearing distance of anyone. We reach a clearing in the trees where my sister wirls fury written all over her face "How dare you! I am the older sister. I am Queen. I deserve to marry whom I wish. You swore you had no feeling for him." I sigh clasping my arms behind my back  "Laeanna, you must understand that I did not see this coming. We wrote letters back and forth for years before the war." 

"Years? I told you he was mine." she seeths I sigh relaxing my stance "Laeanna, I do not wish to anger you but I love him. I am sorry you believe you have a claim to him but I have fought alongside him, I know him. I want to be with him. I love him." 

"You love him?" I smile nodding "With all my heart." she scowls crossing her arms and I sigh steping closer "Look Lae I know we have never seen eye to eye but you must understand I did not accept his proposal simply to spite you. I accepted because Thranduil makes me happy, he makes me feel safe and I truly want to spend the rest of my life with him." 

She pouts avoiding eye contact. "I am Queen and as Queen I have the right to marry whomever I choose. You are nothing."

"I am your sister. Does that not count for something?" glaring she steps closer jabbing a finger at my chest "When I want something I get it. I forbid you from marrying." 

"Laeanna I know we have our difficulties. I apologise for anything I may have done to wrong you. But you cannot control my life. I wish you luck with your reign may it be long and happy but I can no longer be a part of it." Turning away I start back to the the palace taking several deep breaths I never expected my sister to be so cold when it turned to marriage. 

Koa is leaning against the main entrance looking worried "I saw you go off with your sister. How did it go?" I sigh leaning into his side "Honestly I was expecting it to go worse." he chuckles "Well you will always have me." I smile "Thank you Koa, for always being there." he grins hugging me tightly "Wouldn't have it any other way. And I'll find a way to get our unit to the wedding." I nod slightly a large smile spreading over my face "Which reminds me. If you would like it, you are now captain of the guard." He pulls away beaming "Really!?" I chuckle "Who else would I choose? You've completed all the neccessery training, have more than enough experience and are my second in command." 

Grinning he drops in a low bow "I would be honoured. Your majesty." I laugh shaking my head slightly "Suppose I should get used to that." he jumps back to his feet giving me an over the top wink "You may want to come to the barracks at nine oclock tonight." before I can ask why he runs away. Bemused I walk to my room finding Thranduil standing on the balcony looking out over the tree tops "Are you alright love?" I smile relaxing into his arms inhaling deeply "Yes, thank you." 

"What happened?" 

"I told my sister if she did not approve of my choice in a husband then I would no longer call Alqualonde my home." He pulls away looking shocked "Y/N I can't ask you to do that. You love Alqualonde and its people. Alqualonde is your home." I smile gently "Home is not a place it is a feeling. My home is where ever you are. I will miss Alqualonde I am certain but the few people I will miss the most will be able to visit." Thranduil leans down kissing me gently brushing a stray strand of hair from my face "Anyone you wish will be welcome in our home." 

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