Chapter 15

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Entering my tent I begin unfastening my armour I leave it discarded on the cot leaving in me a travel worn tunic and trousers that I change for a clean pair before sitting down rubbing salve into my shoulder easing the ache left by a poisoned arrow.

Pulling my tunic on I lay back enjoying a few minutes quite while I can "Captain?" I sit up "Yes Lyan?"

"Prince Thranduil is here."

"Let him in." the tent flaps open Thranduil entering looking older than the last time we met hair duller and pain in his eyes but still the same soft smile and soothing tone "Hello princess." I get up grinning "It has been a long time prince." he chuckles "Please sit, you must be tired." I sit back down relieved while he sits opposite on a stool "How fares Alqulonde?" I shrug instantly regretting the movement gripping my shoulder "Well thank you. My parents are preparing to leave these shores but have decided to delay a while longer." he nods slightly looking concerned "Are you alright?"

"Got hit by a posioned arrow. Its healed but not fully gets painful if I use my arm a lot." he smiles grimely "I suppose we shall all have injuries like that by the end of this should we survive." I wince "Indeed. Our healers have far more important matters to deal with than an aching shoulder."

"How is Kaito?" I stand walking outside whistling two sharp notes an answering call echoes over the camp Kaito landing next to me on a barrel "Glad you are safe my friend." he caws softly tilting his head slightly beady eyes focused on Thranduil "He is a friend Kaito." Thranduil bows his head slightly "What a magnifisent creature." he clicks his beak pleased with the compliment "He has been a loyal companion. What of your Elk?" he smiles fondly looking of into the distance "He remains back in Greenwood. I fight side by side with our soldiers."

We stand side by a side in silence the camp busy around us "If we do not survive this I must tell you something." I turn looking confused "I have never felt what I do for you for anyone else. Your letters never faled to make me smile and my chest to flutter. The memorys of our time we have spent together though limited have been the only comfort in these dark times. I would like to explore these feelings further if you feel the same way."

Heat flares in my cheeks and ears as I take in his words wondering how on earth to reply. Thranduils face hopeful slightly above my own "Thranduil I..." he nods pulling back slightly "I understand forgive me." I grab his arm shaking my head "No. No. I don't mean. My minds all of a muddle. I often find myself thinking of you of our time together. I worry for your safety when I should be focused on other things entirely." He steps closer once more brushing a hand over my cheek "If we survive this princess we shall have to spend more time together to sort through these feelings." I smile looking up into his eyes "I would like that prince." he leans his forehead against mine shutting his eyes "Stay safe." I shut my own eyes basking in his warmth "Until tomorrow prince." he steps away his touch lingering a moment before he dissapers back to his own camp.

I sigh at Lyan who is smirking slightly as we walks back over resuming his post outside my tent "Something I can help you with Lyan?" he grins
"No Captain, thank you." Walking back into my tent I lay out my armour for tomorrow before laying down trying to focus on resting rather than Thranduil.

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