"Yeah, what are you doing up?" I ask as I take off my shoes and wander into the living room to find my Mum with a cup of tea in her hand, scrolling on her laptop. She looks up when she sees me and grins as though she has just won the lottery.

"Did you have a nice time at Brie's?" She asks, not answering my question.

"Yeah, I did. We watched a bunch of old movies. It was great," I say, waiting for my answer.

"Oh, that's nice, honey. I have some exciting news!" She exclaims, looking as though she's about to break into song and dance, "I'm not sure how you'll feel about this, but as you know, I hate my office hours, and I've been going on for the past few months about this promotion coming up which would give me more adjustable hours, and certainly better pay..." She mumbles the last part, and I wait for her to continue, nodding as she speaks.

"I got the promotion!" She practically squeals, embracing me in a tight hug. I beam and hug her back. This would be great! Now, Mum will be slightly less stressed, and I can see and talk to her more.

"That's great! Why weren't you sure if I'd like this? This is some of the best news I've heard in ages! I'm so happy for you!" getting mildly concerned now... I begin to wonder, what is she hiding from me?

"There is one minor downside to the promotion. While, yes, I would be starting at 9:00 am and finishing at 6, it would also involve moving," she mentions, apprehension tainting her voice.

I go pale. Fear knots my stomach. I gulp, my mouth suddenly dry. I try to convince myself that this might not end the world. Maybe we wouldn't be moving far. Perhaps I could stay at my current school. Surely we wouldn't be moving far, right?

"Moving where?" I ask, my voice croaky.

"I've been looking at it this evening. I've found us an adorable house, it would be much nicer than our current apartment, and the town itself seems nice..." She half answers, edging around the question.

"The town's name is North Valley. It's about a ten-hour drive from here." Concern laces her voice. She knows I'm not pleased about this. Finally, my life is going well, and then The Universe has to throw this massive boulder in my way.

"When are we leaving?" I question. Sort of in shock. How can my life flip like this all of a sudden?

"Monday, we'll have to spend all of tomorrow packing. I'm sorry it's such short notice. I knew you wouldn't like this, and I only found out for sure last week, and you've been out. I've been working... I didn't have the time or the courage to tell you. I'm so sorry." Mum rambles.

She looks so worried. I can't bear it. This will make Mum's life more manageable, and who knows, maybe living in a small town away from my best friends, school, job, life and everything I know and love won't be so awful after all.

Who am I even kidding?

"It's okay, don't worry, Mum, I'm sure a change of scene will be... nice? I'm so happy for you!" I start trying to fake enthusiasm and convince myself in the process.

Mum nods and kisses me on my forehead, then goes to bed, leaving her cold tea behind her. As soon as she leaves the room, I sigh and flop down to the nearest pillow, the thought that I will have to pack up my entire life and move within a day just hitting me.

I'm up half the night tossing and turning, with a bajillion thoughts racing through my head. When I eventually fall asleep, I have an anxiety-induced nightmare and wake up the following day in a cold sweat, sheets tangled around me.

I grumble as I get out of bed and stumble into our tiny kitchen to make some coffee. It's safe to say I am NOT a morning person.

I quietly sip on my coffee, leaning against the counter and trying to prepare myself for the nightmare of a day ahead of me. Mum left a note on my bed saying she was out getting boxes and sorting out the moving van. She asked me to start packing what I could into my bags or suitcases.

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