48 ¦ Deja Vu

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Ni-ki turned the bottle and the game continued. There was some making out, some too personal questions were answered and grabbing was also announced. I watched the game and inwardly thought to myself that I would soon go back to the hostel because it was getting pretty late.

 Amanda turned the bottle and it landed on Lilien. Lilien looked at Amanda with a knowing grin and I already knew they seemed to have something planned. 

"Truth or dare?" Amanda asked innocently. 

"Dare." She said, waiting for her dare with a raised eyebrow. 

"You have to make out with Ni-ki. For 15 seconds." Lilien started grinning broadly and I noticed Ni-ki stiffen beside me. First Lilien's eyes moved to Ni-ki and then to me. I gulped and tried not to show any emotion. 

"What is it Ni-ki? Don't you want to? Do you have a girlfriend too?" Lilien asked him and I bit my lower lip inconspicuously. She stood up and walked towards him with slow steps.

"You said you were in love with someone. Maybe I can help you get over her." She whispered once she reached him. She sat down on his lap, pushing my leg away so I had to move away a little. Why am I sitting next to him? Why do I have to listen to this? And most importantly, why does it even bother me? 

"You're so fake." Ni-ki whispered back, looking at her seriously. She smiled and put her hand to his cheek.

"Oh come on Ni-ki. Just a little make out session. It's not like we haven't done this before." My stomach turned and I wanted to throw up. I wanted to get up and leave, but if I had, everyone would think I was jealous. Whether I was or not, no one had to think it was me. I noticed that Ni-ki gave me one last look, but then Lilien turned his head away with her hands. 

"It won't bother her." She whispered, pressing her lips to his. I clutched at my sweater and looked into the bonfire. I couldn't see them now, but those smooching sounds they were making were driving me crazy. When I heard a moan coming from Lilien's mouth, it felt like someone was squeezing my heart. 

I hadn't even noticed how the others had counted down. Only when they were at 3 did I hear it. 2.... As soon as they were done, I would leave. 1... And lock myself in the room until the next morning. O... Ni-ki pushed Lilien away from him and she laughed lightly. She stood up, grinned at me triumphantly, and went back to her seat. When everyone else went back to focusing on the game, Ni-ki put his hand on mine. 

"Sweetheart, I..." He started, but I interrupted him by pulling my hand away and looking at him. 

"It's okay, you don't have to explain anything to me." I forced a smile on my face and he looked at me apologetically. 

"We're just friends, so..." I said and stood up.

"Where are you going?" He asked me and was about to get up as well, but I put my hand on his shoulder. 

"I'm going to my room to sleep. Stay here." At first he wouldn't listen to me and get up anyway, but I looked at him almost pleadingly.

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