27 ¦ Make It Right

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I was still standing rooted to the spot until Ni-ki gave the guy another punch. My legs brought me to Ni-ki and the guy, around whom a crowd had already gathered. When I got to them, I grabbed Ni-ki by the shoulder and tried to pull him away. 

"Ni-ki! Stop it!" I shouted. It was very likely none of my business, but I couldn't just stand by and watch. 

To my great surprise, Ni-ki got up from the boy and I looked in shock at the boy who had a bloody lip. 

"What was that about?" I turned to Ni-ki and for a brief moment I felt silly. It was none of my business. 

"He was in my way!"Ni-ki said still angry. His hands had clenched into fists. "What- " 

He didn't let me finish, but walked past me and jostled his arm against my shoulder again. What's with all this shoulder jostling? 

I looked again at the boy on the ground to make sure he was halfway okay and walked, then to Victoria. "What was that about?" She asked at least as shocked as I had been a minute ago. "I don't know. Let's go home." She just nods. 

I stayed the night at Vic's and woke up at 10am the next morning. I love weekends. Sleep in... No school stress... No ni-ki... Lovely! 

"Camila are you awake?" Whispered Victoria and I opened my eyes and turned to her. "Yep." She sat down next to me and looked at me. "My mum's already left and I was going to the bakery around the corner to get us breakfast. Do you want to go home or do you want to stay here?" She asked me as I rubbed my eyes. "I think I'll stay here, take a shower and get ready." 

"Okay. I'll be back in about forty minutes. Have to go to my aunt's for a minute" I only now saw that she was already dressed. 

After she was out of the house, I got into the shower, brushed my teeth and put on one of Victoria's sweatpants and a shirt, when suddenly my mobile rang. The number was unfamiliar.

"Hello?" I asked, a little unsure. Who is calling me? 

"Camila, where are you?" It took me a while to recognise the voice. 

"Ni-ki?" I asked, confused. How did he get my number? And the more important question is: why is he calling me? 

"Where are you?" He sounds impatient. 

"At Victoria's, why?" Is this conversation all questions?

"Where does she live?" And another question... I sighed. 

"Ni-ki why do you want to know? Where are you?" 

All of a sudden he hung up. Shocked, I looked at my phone. What the hell was that? 

I put my phone away and sighed again. Then I went into the living room, lay down on the sofa and turned on the TV.

About 15 minutes later, the front doorbell rang. I was confused. If it was Victoria, she was early. But it couldn't be her because Vic had a key. 

Nevertheless, I got up and went to the front door to open it. My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when I saw who was at the door. Before I could say anything, he was already walking past me into the living room. 

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