Zoro then jumped back. He put his green bandana on and placed the Wado Ichimonji inside of his mouth as he held his Kitetsu and Enma in his left and right hands. He then muttered a phrase silently

"Ashura... Blades Drawn!" To the human eye, it looked like Zoro had grown six more arms and two more heads. He shifted his swords into an attacking position. He started to charge at Kashi. Kashi was terrified at what was heading his way, so he tried to escape, but Luffy blocked him from doing so, as he latched himself onto Kashi's body with his huge grin and questioned menacingly.

"Where do you think you're going?" 

"Let me go!" Kashi screamed out. 

Zoro started moving faster around him and motioning like he was moving exactly like a toy top, swirling around. He was right in front of Kashi's chest...and he left no trace of mercy behind him as he cut Kashi's chest in a X-like fashion.

"Dead Man's Game!" Zoro finished.

Kashi was sent flying backwards out the window that had been broken as of Sanji and Suke's accident that sent Sanji flying out the window and Suke following him.

Luffy hopped out of the window, following Kashi. Zoro stayed behind for a little bit and walked over to Joben, who had regained consciousness just then and was struggling to get up.

"Zoro! What's wrong?" Luffy called out.

"Nothing, just keep going for him!" Zoro excused himself as Luffy jumped out the window to continue fighting with Kashi.

"Hey Joben. Are you okay?" Zoro kneeled down to Joben's level.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Zoro. Just a little bit winded from the Conqueror's Haki that Dad blasted off. It attacks your nervous system and manually switches it off, and that feels like your eyes were gouged out and your lungs are as small as a peanut. It hurts." Joben recounted.

"Okay. I'm going to ask you a question. This may be a little bit out of the blue."

"I'm prepared, then." Joben readied himself.

"You're going to be the next in line for the Ruler of the Shimotsuki. Can you handle that?" Zoro struck a huge metaphorical blow at Joben. Joben was starstruck by what Zoro had told him.

"What? What are you talking about? I know you want to rejoin the Straw Hats, b-but...S-s-s-Suke is the...next in line. Right? Kura died, Suke's still battling that yellow - headed friend of-" 

"HE'S NOT MY FRIEND!" Zoro screamed. Joben sweatdropped.

"And Ruto...I don't know if he's dead or not...he has a cracked skull." 

"So, when that idiot cook beats Suke, you'll become the ruler of Shimotsuki. That sound alright?" Zoro asked him with a soft tone.

"I...I don't know yet. I'm scared of ruling. What if I turn into a miniature Dad? he ruled with an iron fist when you 'died'." Joben sounded worried.

"You'll be fine. Take this transponder snail and keep it on your persona at all times. Call me if you need help with anything that's related to ruling our subjects, and I'll be there to help. Believe it or not, my crew has the heir to the Vinsmoke throne." Zoro comforted.

Joben nodded thankfully.

"Great. Think about that. I have a father to kill." Zoro patted Joben's shoulder and walked away. He jumped through the window and found Luffy beneath Kashi's foot. Kashi was rubbing his foot into Luffy's face, defiling his face with dirt and mud on the ground below. He could clearly see that Luffy wasn't in his 5th Gear anymore, and he was now back in his base form.

"Hey! Kashi, get off him!" Zoro yelled from the smashed window.

Kashi looked up to see Zoro screaming at him. He furrowed his eyebrows and snorted.

"If you want to fight, come down here and be a man." Kashi challenged him. Zoro went livid with rage and jumped down, drawing his Maito Enma out of his scabbard and clashing it against Kashi's spiked club.

"You know what's ironic? I named this club the Rukajigoku. That's your mother's name and 'hell' put together."

"I don't give a damn, you stupid father! You're not worthy to have Mom's name on your club after you killed her!" Kashi was taken aback by this.

"How did you know-"

"SO IT'S TRUE?!" Zoro screamed louder than he ever had before. Kashi gulped. He had to reveal the truth.

"I thought it was just a hunch that I had, but it now appears that the hunch is actually conf-"

"I did it. She didn't agree with me putting the older two siblings of yours into the wars I fought, so I slipped so hard - body sedatives into her drinks. She died a few days after that." Kashi admitted.

Zoro started breathing heavier. His eyes were watering with the amount of gaze that he was giving his father. He loathed him more than ever now. He was gripping his swords so hard, the Haki that he had leaked into them was like an overdose of Morphine.

A black aura appeared Zoro's swords and started to make them turn into a black radiation of colour. Zoro's eye started to flash black at 2 second periods. Kashi realised what this was.

This was the awakening of a Black Blade.

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