Chapter Four: A Tour to the Wishing Star

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She sat on the top stair at one side, leaving room for shoppers to walk in and out. Putting her camera bag on her thighs, she disconnected her new phone from the bag's charging wire. This morning, she received a new phone from Orlando with a note from Rolan that communication is crucial to a successful project.

In her phone, she had already saved Victor's contact information from the project file. 

Her thumb stiffened over the green call sign on the screen, and she took a breath of strength before finally pressing it. Shortly after, his voice sounded on the other side. She wondered if he would have picked up the call so fast or at all if he knew who was calling.

"Hello. Who's this?" He inquired.

The anxiousness had returned. She remained silent for a second.

"I can hear you breathing," he said indignantly. "You might as well start talking, or I'm going to hang up now."

She cleared her throat. "Firstly, don't cut the call," was the first thing she said, knowing he would surely cut the call hearing her name. Disregarding the pin-drop silence on the other side, she continued, "Orlando sent me to—"

"It's you!" he cut her off mid-sentence. 

"Yes, it's me, and—"

"Look, Victoria, I'm pretty busy right now and have no time to talk over the phone. I believe my guard at the store has aptly delivered my message to you."

Victoria was entirely irritated by now by his constantly cutting her off. He clearly didn't have good listening skills. So, her voice raised in order to make him listen, "Listen well, Jones, and you'll have to listen now. The project I'm working on is part of the busy schedule you're making excuses about. Now, I would suggest you cease mixing up your personal grudges against me with our professional lives and making the continuation of this project so damn difficult."

There was a moment of silence on the other side, and she feared he would cut the call. But he didn't.

Instead, he said, breaking her heart, "After everything you've done, don't I even have the right to want to stay away from you?" He paused, and she could hear his angered, harsh breathing.

Her throat constricted with guilt and pain. 

Down memory lane, both of them went.

There was so much she needed to tell him and everyone who had existed around her past self, yet she knew there was no use.

No one would trust her.

So, she remained in the present and tried only to resolve the present problem. Pushing back all the emotions of the past, she coaxed, "It's work—"

"It's my life, damn it," he indignantly said. "Just tell Rolan to replace you with someone else."

She ground her teeth. "And what would I tell him the reason?"

"That I didn't like your style of work and couldn't develop a rapport with you," he coldly said. "It's all true anyway."

"For your kind information, let me be honest with you over here; Rolan would have a hard time believing you, as my quality of work is quite unquestionable. And I've promised them to perform my duties regarding this project with the Wishing Star as diligently and successfully as I've done with the other ones," she threw back. "I'm not going to discuss your childish demand with Rolan as it is not a problem of mine—if I observe from a professional angle. So, you can very well go ahead and try. And kindly try now, as I will be sitting right here in front of your store until you do so. Have a talk with Orlando as well if you wish. I'm giving you an hour—"

And Then It Rained (Sequel to Rain Again; Stand Alone Book) (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ