After the shower he walked into his walk in closet but he couldn't any of his clothes.He finally found them after a while of looking.He realized that things were about change in his house and that he was no longer in charge.

Eventually he went downstairs and found Jungkook waiting for him with food on the dining table.The younger was tapping his foot on the marble floor,a clear sign of being impatient.

"Am i late?"

"Not really"

"I couldn't find my clothes"

"I'm sorry.I guess i should have told you that i moved all your stuff and put them on one side.I thought it would be orderly if we use different sides"

"I'm not complaining so there is no need for you to fret"

"Let's dig in.I only made rice and chicken because i was in a hurry.I didn't have enough time to make side dishes"

"Why are you even explaining yourself to me.You know I'm not that kind of guy.I have never expected you to cook for me.You know that"

"I know you aren't demanding but i want this to feel real"

"We aren't even married yet so you should take it easy"

"I just want to get into character so it won't be hard for me to adjust when we finally get married"

"If you say so"

"I think i need a pep talk about marriage from my mom.Maybe she can give me a list with the do's and dont's of marriage"

"That bad?"

"Yeah.I'm really suck at relationship and no one has to tell me that"

"After dinner i want you to go and relax in the living room.I will handle the dishes"


"What's so surprising about that.I have been doing dishes like forever.It's nothing new"

"I know but i don't know why now it feels so special that you would offer to do dishes.In a way it's romantic"

"Look who is talking about romance.Why do you know about being romantic"

"I know I'm not romantic but i will be getting married to the most romantic man on earth"

"You sound confident"

"Oh i am.Was there ever a doubt"

"Maybe you are saying that because I'm the only man you have ever been with.How can you be sure that I'm the most romantic man when you never had any experience"

"I don't need experience to know that"

"Before i forget i have to tell you something"

"What is it?"

"This weekend I'm taking the interns on a seminar.Guess where"

"Where ?"


"Does that mean?"

"We can go together early.Maybe on Friday.You will deal with our parents and i will attend the seminar.We can leave together too"

"You will surely have some free time right?"

"Of course"

"Yes.We will stay in one room right?"

"Of course love "

"I'm so excited"

"Have you thought about where you would want to go for your honeymoon?"

Gray (Taekook Omegaverse)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ