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Raven Land, where uncountable ravens live. Thousands of years ago, humans and mythical creatures lived together happily. They build homes together without any discrimination.
But as humans grew in numbers, they began to take more land and food. Humans became selfish.

One day a war began between humans and mythical creatures. Creatures had magical powers in them which was a disadvantage to humans. But humans had one thing that none of the creatures had. Creative thinking.

Humans fought against wolves, vampires, ravens etc. But still they won. Humans won the war and took away everything. From then, Vampires, wolves, ravens and many more made their own dimension in the earth. Far away from humans. Where humans couldn't enter unless these creatures want them to.

After a few hundred years, mythical creatures parted away their lands. Vampires had Vampland, Wolves had WOLFLAND, Ravens had Raven land.

Now in the current date, the number of mythical creatures are vary low. They just want to survive in this cruel world. Pure blooded Vampires, Wolves are extremely rare as many creatures are bonding with humans lately. They can never choose who their mate will be, it is all Moon goddess's choice. So these creatures are not the one to blame to. Not like human mates doesn't love them or what. Humans love their mates without any limits. It is true that humans think critically and different from anyone else but they all share a common thing, which is FEELINGS. This what made humans the best animal in the world.

Yn and Jungkook are now in front of the raven leader's mansion

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Yn and Jungkook are now in front of the raven leader's mansion. A man came and greeted them.

Seonghwa : Hello Alpha and Luna!

Yn: Hello. I am Yn.

Seonghwa : Hi am Seonghwa, Luna! It's nice to meet you.
He said extending his hand for a handshake. Yn was about to accept that but Jungkook came in middle and shook hands with Seonghwa instead.

Jk : Can we talk in the meeting room now?

He said. Jealousy was visible in his tone.

Seonghwa : Yes yes Mr Jellybean!

Jungkook just rolled his eyes and followed Seonghwa holding hands with Yn. But little did he knew that his action made Yn red. Her cheeks were burning.

(In the meeting room)

Seonghwa was sitting in the lead chair as he was the leader in this land. Yn and Jungkook were sitting beside him.

Seonghwa : How can I help you?

His tone changed into a more serious one. Ravens have duality too.

JK : A war going to happen between wolves and rogues.

Seonghwa : What?! Do you know what you are saying?? If wolves fight against each others then your numbers wil decrease more!
Wolves can extinct...

Jk : We are known of that. Many creatures extincted because of wars between themselves. I can't let this happen to us. This war is danger to us. That's why we need your help.

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