Its been about and hour after they left the hokages office when they finally arrived at Ichiraku. Naruto bursted into the once peaceful setting, making a couple turn their heads. Sasuke and Menma just walked behind him, trying not to draw too much attention. The ramen guy noticed the blond and smiled.

"Naruto!" He said happily as the three boys sat down. Menma in the middle of his two fathers.

"Hey old man!" Naruto said happily, dreaming about the ramen that would be in his stomach in just a couple of minutes.

"What do your two guests want." he said as he turned his gaze. He saw the little boy sitting in between Sasuke and Naruto and noticed their similarities too quickly. He's heard rumors of how close they were but didn't think they were this close. He just shrugged it off because he didn't care if Naruto was with a man or women, he just wanted him to be happy.

"Same thing as me gramps!" Naruto said happily as the old man took his order and began to get too work. Menma noticed two people at the end of the bar staring at Naruto. He couldn't tell what they were thinking, all he could see was the hateful look the guy was giving his father. He was surprised to see this, as one of the most powerful shinobi, his father was greatly admired around the world. Everyone would get jealous when Menma said he was Narutos son, which Menma would brush off like it was nothing special. He never got to truly see his fathers power until the fight with Momoshiki. So, to see someone carry this much hatred by just looking at him, is surprising.

He looked up to his father who still had big smile on his face. Menma could feel the hatred so why can't he? He thought to himself and back at the conversation he had with his father. Sasuke told him once how bad the village treated Naruto but he wasn't really paying attention. All he had remembered was his father getting mad that he wasn't listening.

He looked back over to the people sitting at the end of bar, but they weren't looking at Naruto anymore, they almost looked scared. He thought he scared them off until he turned around. He saw Sasuke death glaring them, like giving them a warning, a really really scary warning. Naruto wasn't smiling anymore, he could tell the people across from him weren't a big fan. He wasn't bothered by the looks they were giving, he was bothered because Menma and Sasuke have to see it. Even after his great contribution to the 4th great ninja war, there are still some people with hatred for him.

He quickly thought of a way to turn the mood into a happier one. He turned his head towards Menma who was already looking at him.

"are you excited to go on a mission with your amazing father." he said, sounding more excited than Menma. Sasuke just watched, wanting to say something.

"you mean lazy and uncool dad?" Menma said just trying to press Narutos buttons. Sasuke was proud Narutos son was taking after him and making fun of the blond. His face grew angry at the sudden bullying he was receiving from his son. Naruto was about to say something until a big bowl of ramen was placed right in front of him. His whole facial expression changed at the smell running into his nose. He quickly ignored them as he started digging in. The other two just watched in amazement and wonder how his mood could change so quickly before they stared to eat their Naruto recommend ramen.

Half way into his bowl, he looked over to see of the people were still there but they weren't. Relived, Menma looked at Naruto who was half way into his second bowl and wondered if he should say anything about it. He knew he shouldn't have, but he did anyway.

"why were those people looking at you like that." Naruto almost dropped his chopsticks at his sons question. He started to wonder if he should answer it or avoid it. He didn't want to talk about it and ruin his perfectly good ramen. But he felt he had no choice.

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