Heartbreaker Part III

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A/N: Lots of new characters are introduced in this chapter! Scroll down to the bottom of this update for the visual references 🥰



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Normani is sat down on the studio couch with Drew in her lap, lightly bopping her head to the music playing through the speakers. She's surrounded by her crew, a close knit group of friends she's had by her side for years now. They follow her around pretty much everywhere and do as she says.

"You like this one, baby girl?" Normani asks her daughter, giggling as the toddler enthusiastically claps her hands together. She wiggles her body around to the beat of the music, basking in all the attention she's getting. No doubt she's a future dancer, just like her mama.

"Yes!" she squeals out, grabbing hold of her mother's shoulders. "Again!" she says when the song sounding through the speakers starts fading out. "Play it again, Mama!"

Normani laughs, her friends joining in as they fawn over the cute little girl. If Drew likes a song, it's a certified hit. That's the philosophy Normani has been going by for a while now, and it seems to be accurate.

"Alright, one more time. Then it's nap time, okay?"

Though Drew pouts, she reluctantly nods her head, wrapping her arms around Normani's neck. The R&B singer sighs in content as she hugs her daughter back, then nods her head at the well coiffed young man sitting next to her. Without a word, he knows to get up and restart the track. As soon as he hits play, he feels his body instantly respond to the music.

"Man, this shit is so fire!" Gio expresses loudly as he plops back down next to the singer. Normani's angelic vocals, backed by an interpolated Timbaland beat, fill the fluorescently illuminated studio. "You've really outdone yourself with this one, Mani. That's another hit under your belt."

D'Angelo, as usual, eagerly awaits for his friend to acknowledge his praise, to dap him up or give him a smile, but he's met with a blank stare instead.

"Watch your mouth around my kid, bro."

"Oh. My bad."

He shrinks in embarrassment after being called out like that. All he ever wants to do is show Normani how valuable he can be to her team. He yearns for her respect, but that seems to be pretty damn difficult to get.

While Dominic, Kehlani, and Mark giggle at the look of shame on his face as he sinks into the couch, Justine simply shakes her head. It's typical of Normani to humble him like this, especially when they're hanging out together as a group. Given Gio's constant eager enthusiasm, he's always an easy target.

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