I Just Want to Know You

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Author's note: All named characters/locations will be at the bottom of the chapter if you need a visual reference. I'll be using this format for all future updates. Also I love reading your comments, so don't be afraid to give some feedback! Ok, enjoy ya nasties!


On the day they meet, the first thing Megan notices about Normani is that the beautiful young woman is shy, incredibly so.

They're on set, shooting the music video for their soundtrack single, Diamonds, and Megan finds herself unexpectedly melting during their first real interaction. She's had an eye on the R&B star for a while now, as has everyone, and she's always found her beautiful. But Megan is used to seeing beautiful women. In her line of work, she's around them all the time. This, this is something different, she thinks. Seeing the younger woman in person is special.

Normani's shyness comes as a surprise to Megan. During their first introduction, Normani had walked through the dressing room door like a ballerina on a stage. There had been nothing but grace and confidence in her steps. She took her time walking towards the older woman, her posture impeccable, and her presence commanding attention. Although, for the tiniest moment (one would miss it if they blinked), the singer seemed to shy away from this attention. It was almost like she resented the magnetic aura she has around her. Megan wondered if Normani knew she caught her mask slip, even if it was for only a second.

Normani is soft spoken, her voice velvety smooth, as she introduces herself, extending a perfectly manicured hand to shake Megan's.

Megan, being the extrovert that she is, guides the conversation along, but even she admits that the entire interaction is just the slightest bit awkward. Normani is dough-eyed and sweet as they make small talk and post a few Instagram stories for the fans, but as soon as the cameras are off, the Georgian native can hardly look the Houston rapper in the eyes.

It's shocking, given the way Megan has seen the R&B singer move around and perform on stage like she owns the damn place.

There's an undeniable chill that passes through any audience lucky enough to see Normani do what she loves most. Megan has been one of those lucky audience members at more than one occasion at a few award shows. It's clear that Normani was born to entertain, as she leaves Megan shell shocked each time. Megan always told herself she'd go over and finally introduce herself, but she could never muster up the courage. This was extremely rare for her, it almost scared her.

As the music video shoot goes on, the two young women grow more comfortable around each other. They give one another encouragement during their scenes together, choruses of "Girl, you ate that!" and "You look amazing!" filling the room. Megan feels confident and sexy during her solo scenes because she knows Normani is cheering her on behind the camera, and vice versa. It's nothing but positive vibes, and Megan feels her heart flutter every time she gets a laugh out of Normani, or every time the younger woman gently touches her shoulder. Megan learns that when Normani becomes more comfortable around someone, she's rather affectionate. Megan loves it. She just hopes the beautiful Georgian doesn't feel the goosebumps that arise on her skin every time they make contact.

At the end of the day, they exchange numbers, promising one another to meet again soon. They don't leave without hugging one another first. Normani is so tiny, Megan swears she can wrap her arms around her twice. And she smells heavenly, like a divine combination of marshmallow, vanilla, and caramel. The pair pulls apart reluctantly, and as Megan watches Normani walk away, her mother and her manager at her sides, Megan already knows. She already knows she's in love.


Flash forward a couple months and Normani and Megan are closer than ever.

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