"This is our path..."

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"This is our path, do you get it?"
"...But that they will come when we will make each other happy, remember this well!"

Another hidden message in "Kiralık Aşk". Other words that have not been added pointlessly in the series, said by Barış as Ömer. These words refer both to DefÖm and ElBar.

In this scene Barış is not just saying his speech as Ömer. He speaks about himself with Elçin. He used Kiralık Aşk as a great opportunity to say this about ElBar. Because this is their path and they will walk through it together, and one day they are going to be happy, with no obstacles between them.

Yes, ElBar's path is a bit more complicated with more obstacles, but in the end they will come out happier than ever. That day will come when ElBar will be happy and free from any kind of a circus, and not a single soul will be standing between the two of them. Because nobody will have the power and ability to stand between them and separate them. No force in the world is capable enough to separate two people that love each other. Not even death.

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