The way Barış looks at Elçin

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Three of the many moments from "Mutluluk Zamanı" (and not only MZ) where we can clearly see the way Baris looks at Elçin

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Three of the many moments from "Mutluluk Zamanı" (and not only MZ) where we can clearly see the way Baris looks at Elçin. We can see very well how happy he is to be around her and that his eyes are SHINING. Have you ever seen Barış looking at somebody else the way he looks at Elçin? Because I haven't seen. And I don't think that we'll ever see him looking at somebody else the way he looks at Elçin.

The top photo is in the morning after the Blue Night, the photo on the left is on the same day, after the breakfast and the photo on the right is after the off-road race, when Mert drove Ada to her home. In each of these 3 photos (and in the whole movie) I see them as ElBar and not AdMer. Moreover, because they made this movie for themselves and for us – their fans.

As I have often mentioned, MZ is not the only place where we have seen the in-love ElBar. This has also happened in Kiralık Aşk, MZ galas, interviews (Burada laf çok is a perfect example). There have often been some small gestures, that speak a lot. As an example I can give the times when Barış touches Elçin's hair and these moments are not scripted, but Barış felt it and did it. Another example is the almost hardly noticeable kiss that Barış presses on Elçin's chin in the last scene from MZ – the water scene. I can give many more examples, but I'll stop here because the text will get too long.

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