Synchronicity of Soulmates

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In many cases two people can be seen moving in-sync. Just like ElBar.

We have often seen our beautiful couple moving in-sync or mimicking one another. And, no! Their movements in such moments are not coincidence! Because there are no coincidences when it comes to ElBar. It is like, without looking at each other, one of them feels and knows what the other one is going to do. And this happens without even having been planned to happen. It just happens and it is just so natural every single time.

For such couples there is one word that describes them perfectly. This word is SOULMATES. And ElBar are exactly soulmates. The best soulmates ever. They are soulmates even when it comes to pictures.

Every time one of them posts a new picture, we can immediately find a picture of the other one, either wearing a similar cloth, or posing in the same (or similar) pose, or both. Or, if the other one doesn't have such a picture, yet, we for sure will see one some time later. It might be days, it might be weeks, months or even years. But we will definitely see.

And also, we almost immediately do beautiful photoshops with the new picture (or pictures).

It's like one of them knows that the other one already has a picture in a similar cloth or pose, or is going to have one in the near future.

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