❤️🚬I would love that

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Pairing: Lana Winters x Fem Lector

Author's Note: I'm tired of being single, I wish my crush would listen to me, but well we don't always get what we want, so it's time to force love...haha no

Number of words: 523


When she was a child her parents took her to the theater as a child and that habit stayed with her until she grew up.

This time she was witnessing an adaptation of the phantom of the opera, in one of the highest points of the work appeared a dancer who followed the rhythm of the main piece, to tell the truth she looked a little out of place but everything changed when she also began to interpret the main piece but with a violin.

She looked heavenly playing the composition with fluid and elegant movements while she kept dancing to the rhythm, as if her life depended on it.

When she finished she received a standing ovation from the audience for the great performance she had offered them, thanking the audience before the curtain closed.

Lana had been fascinated with that woman even though her appearance was short she managed to captivate his heart making him wonder if he would ever see her again.

That was 2 months ago since he then Lana went every Friday night to the theater in the hope of seeing her again.

During that time span he met a woman at the coffee shop he went to every day, T/n was a ballet dancer he often saw her at the place and after the passage of time he had managed to strike up a friendship with her.

Swan Lake was always her favorite but this time she didn't pay much attention to what was going on as her gaze was on The Black Swan. Although she could not see her face well she was sure it was her, she could feel it, all the other dancers were doing a good job but she was different, she stood out from the rest.

At the end she had gone backstage to try to look for that mysterious woman.

-You can't be here,- said one of the girls as she noticed the presence of the brunette.

-I'm looking for a friend,- she lied, taking the opportunity to find the woman.

Just when she was about to give up and leave the place, she found you talking to a classmate.


-Lana,- you say happily, -what are you doing here?- confused at her appearance.

-I know it sounds weird, but I wanted to meet the person who played the black swan,- feeling stupid for what she was doing.

-Why?- you ask, suppressing a smile.

-Two months ago I came to see the Phantom of the Opera and there was a dancer on the stage playing the violin while the main piece was going on, I must admit I was fascinated with her interpretation and I'm sure she is the same one who played the black swan- explaining you her situation.

-Well...nice to meet you, my name is Y/n, I'm the black swan-, offering her your hand.

You only see a strong blush cover the face of the brunette before your words, she had literally just confessed her interest for the dancer who happened to be you.

-I must admit that I also have feelings for you,- you confess seeing a smile on her face.

-Would you like to go to dinner?,- he proposes, regaining a bit of confidence.

-I would love that

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