"Just for that comment you are riding in the back." I said.

We all got in the car and went towards Sals.

"Both of you are caught up on my life. Now Anne you first. What's up with this roger guy?" I asked and continued driving.

"Well he text me and asked if I wanted to see a movie. I said yes. Then we went to the movie. That's it." He said in a monotone voice.

"Remind me to never let you tell stories around a campfire. Details bitch DETAILS."
Carli said.

"Okay! We didn't talk much. The only weird thing that happened was he rested his hand kinda on my thigh." He paused. "That's it! We didn't really talk."

"He rested his hand on your thigh?" I asked. "was it like this?" I asked and grabbed his leg roughly with my hand. "Or was it like this?" I rested my arm on the center console and let my fingers lightly sit on his leg.

"More like the second one."

"Well here's the thing Dani my boy. Both are weird." Carli said.

"It's a little fruity if you asked me." I said.

"Whatever. What about you Carli? I saw Courtney throw you into the bathroom. Is scissoring comfortable in those stalls?"

I laughed.

"Do you think that's the only way lesbians have sex? You are SOooo gay." Carli retorted. "Courtney asked me why I was avoiding her. I said I wasn't and she got mad and brought up Julia." She stopped for a moment and sighed. "I tried to end it with her but when she saw where I was going with the conversation she started kissing me and taking her clothes off. You know I couldn't resist......."

"Oh no Carl." I grimaced.

"Yeah basically I've made no progress since Thursday and the only difference is now I'm sleeping with two women." She stated.

The car was silent for ten seconds as I pulled into sals.

"But is scissoring comfortable in those stalls?" Dani said and started laughing. Carli lightly smacked the back of his head.

"Yes. Very comfortable." I winked then Carli and I joined in with Dani's laughter.

We got out of the car to go into the restaurant.

"We have issues." Dani stated as we walked into the restaurant.

The rest of the school day flew by. I went home after my classes and got myself ready for practice. It'll be the first time I've seen Olivia since yesterday in class. I hadn't even text her after she sent the "don't fall into anymore bushes." Text. I didn't know what to say.

I'm not really sure if we are friends again or if we are even talking to each other. Guess I'll find out soon.

By the time I walked into the club I was about 30 minutes early. I had been working on a new solo routine and wanted to practice it before anyone got there.I was on the ground stretching when I saw Olivia walk in.

We made eye contact and she quickly turned to go towards the dressing rooms.

Well I guess that means we aren't talking.

Just as I was about to start dancing Trinity walked in.

"You and the new girl made a killing this weekend." She said as she got closer to me.
"When she wants to dance with a real dancer and make more money send her my way." She said cockily and walked away before I could respond.

I hate that girl. I had to give her credit though. She was a great dancer. She's just not as good as me, or Olivia for that matter.

The twins showed up and wanted to add a few moves to our trio routine. I obliged and we talked and went through the motions. When we finished I looked to the other side of the room and found Olivia. Only this time when I saw her she was grinding on Trinity doing OUR dance.

I marched over to them. "What the fuck."

Olivia just looked at me and her face turned red.

"I was just showing her a few moves to make your dance a little better." Trinity said with a smirk.

"She doesn't need any help. She's already 10 times better than you." I said angrily.

I grabbed Olivias arm and pulled her away.

"Why were you being so mean to her?" Olivia asked.

"Why were you dancing with her?" I asked ignoring her question.

"She offered to show me some moves. Do you not like her or something?"

"She is a terrible person." I said running my hand angrily through my hair still replaying the image of Olivia grinding on Trinity. "And if she thinks she can take what's mine she had better......." That's when I realized what I said.

"What's yours?" Olivia said pulling her arm from my hand.

"Yeah my.... Dance partner."

She stared into my eyes searching for something. I guess she found what she needed because she completely dropped the conversation.

"Do you want to go over our routine one time? I kinda have to go." She asked. "I need to grade homework." She whispered.

"Do you think we need to practice?"

"Honestly? No, you dance it perfect every time."

"Okay then I'll let you go if you promise to give me an A." I replied.

"I make no promises. I'll see you in class tomorrow." She smiled then walked towards her bag..

I guess that's progress.  We didn't argue. We had a conversation without it getting weird. We can be friends.

I looked back at Olivia and waved at her as she walked towards the door. Then I saw Trinity waving at her then blew her a kiss. Olivia blushed then walked out the door smiling.

That Trinity bitch needs to learn her place. I'm not gonna let her fuck with MY Olivia all because she hates me.

Did I just........My Olivia........ but that's just it. She's not mine and she never can be.

Stripping for the English Teacher.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin