Chapter 20

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Bbh/Darryl POV

For the first few hours of the day, Zak and I just sit in bed, enjoying the presence of each other. Wrapped in each other's arms, we giggle together at how oblivious we were.

Everything just feels right. Like being with Zak was the last piece missing in my puzzle.

"My parents are coming home today." Zak mumbles, "If you're ok with it, could I tell them we're dating? They'll love you, I promise."

The thought of sharing this with another adult scares me, reminds me of my own parents, but my boyfriend seems so hopeful, and he said his parents are already accepting of him, so...

"Anything for you. I'd love to meet them." I smile, playing with locks of his hair.

"Really? I thought you'd say no." Zak sits up, grinning.

"Well, you said they accept you and they seem like amazing parents. The only thing I'd worry about is them getting mad at you. So, when will I be meeting the parents of the most amazing person in the world?"

"In about two hours, I think. They said they fought hard to cut the trip short." He presses a quick kiss to my nose. "I'm so happy!"

I smile, "Let's get ready then, I don't want to meet your parents looking like this."

"Like what? Wearing my hoodie?" Zak smirks.

I blush. "Not my fault your clothes are so comfy. I had nothing else to wear last night."

Zak pulls me off his bed, holding me close. "Well, I think you look cute in my clothes. You should wear them more often."

I turn away, trying to cover my red face. "Let's just get ready now."

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We shower and get dressed, me inevitably wearing Zak's clothes, though we both know I like it.

When we go downstairs for breakfast, Samira is watching us very closely.

I know it's because she wants to see something happen between us, but I think Zak sees it as her trying to flirt with me.

He was always the jealous one.

We'd earlier agreed on telling his entire family at the same time, but when Sam whispers to me, and I flush bright red, he can't take it anymore.

He had no way of knowing she was asking about my relationship with him, but the events that played out were funny nonetheless.

Glaring at his sister, Zak walks around the kitchen island to wrap his arms around me.

He leans his chest into my back, pressing a soft kiss to my jaw.

"You're a jealous muffin." I giggle, lacing our fingers together. "Don't worry, I'm all yours."

He mumbles an, "Mhm, all mine." kissing me once more.

His words remind me of what he said last night, delirious and flirty. Before I knew his true feelings.

The memory makes me smile.

Sam looks between us, astonishment painting her face.

She clears her throat. "Do you boys have something you'd like to tell me?"

"No," Zak smirks, "I don't believe we do."

"Suuure. Do mom and dad know?"

Before Zak can give a snarky remark, I speak up, "We're telling them tonight. We were going to tell you then too, but Zak got a little jealous."

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