Chapter 8

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Darryl/Bbh POV

I can tell that all Zak wants to do is leave, but I don't say anything as not to embarrass him.

Clay's friends seem nice enough, and I especially seem to get along with Karl, though I'm mostly watching Zak.

Clay is getting really friendly with him, and after a few minutes, he wraps an arm around Zak's shoulders.

I'm almost boiling with rage, but I trust Zak to get us to leave if it gets to be too much.

I shoot Clay a glare, which just makes him hold Zak tighter.

Karl tries to make conversation with me, and I try to give responses, but they're half-hearted. Karl seems really sweet, but I'm starting to worry about Zak.

Clay is whispering something to Zak now, and he's just nodding, trying not to cry. I can't hear what Clay is saying, but when he plants a kiss on Zak's cheek, I can't take it anymore.

I stand up abruptly. "Look at the time! Zak, we should really get going, come on." I give him a look saying it isn't an option.

"Y-yeah. Um, Clay, could you let me out, please?" Zak is twiddling his fingers nervously.

Clay, happy he got what he wanted allows Zak to leave. "Of course, cutie. See you soon."

Zak visibly winces at the name, and at this point, I'm practically dragging Zak out the door.

As soon as we're outside, I let Zak have it. "You promised we would leave if things got uncomfortable!"

He frowns. "I know."

"He put his arm around you and kissed you. I could see how much you wanted to leave."

Zak winces, knowing I have a point. "I know, it's just...his friends were right there, and it was already awkward."

I stop walking, which causes Zak to stop as well. "Why are we stopping?"

"Because you're not listening! He knew there were people there, and that's why he took advantage of you!" I start walking again, speeding towards the school.

"Wait! I'm sorry, okay? I'm just not very good with getting out of awkward situations."

"I know that. We can talk about this later. See you after school."

Checking my phone, I can see that it's halfway through second period. Great. I'm not going to be able to sneak in.

Zak is following me like a lost puppy, and I sort of feel bad for him.

"Looks like you're lucky enough that we have another half hour before we can go to class." I sigh.

Zak's eyes light up and he drags me away from the school to a small playground. I'm not really sure where this is going, but he seems so genuinely happy that I decide to follow him.

Giggling, Zak sits down on one of the swings, and motions for me to sit next to him. Rolling my eyes, I join him on the swings.

It makes me smile to see a popular, sporty boy like Zak so happy with something as simple as a swing set. How could Clay not be in love with him?

Zak holds out a hand for me, and we try to swing together. Our swings are moving in weird, diagonal swerves, but it's our laughter that matters.

We eventually get high enough that we're actually swinging, and Zak lets go of my hand. His hair I'd swept back by the wind, his eyes closed, his happiness infecting the air around us.

Wish This Were Real // A Skephalo Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें