Chapter 11

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Skeppy/Zak POV

As soon as Darryl closes the door, I run upstairs to my bedroom.

From there, I can look out the window and see the whole street.

Darryl is walking slowly, seeming reluctant to get home.

He isn't checking his phone or anything, instead, just walking, shoulders hunched from the chilly air.

Once he turns the corner, I back away from the window and flop onto my bed, exhausted from the events of the day.

After a while, Sam comes in to say goodnight and tell me to do my homework.

I smile and nod, waving goodnight as well, but I know full well that I'm not going to get anything done.

After what feels like only a few minutes, I hear a light ringing come from my phone, and look to see that it's my mom calling. I pick up, greeting her happily.

"Hi mom, how's your trip going?"

I can hear the smile in her voice. "We're having a great time! The work is pretty simple, so your father and I have been having a lot of down time. How are you holding up with everything?"

"I'm doing fine, I guess. Clay has been a bit insistent, but my friends are good at sticking up for me."

I hear her sigh. "I'm sorry we had to go away right when you needed us, but the plans had been set for months. I'll be seeing you in a few weeks though, ok?"

I frown. "How much longer?"

"Almost another two weeks, I believe. We'll try our best to get back sooner, though, okay? We're really sorry, I mostly called to let you know that we'll be longer than expected. Some...things came up."

My mom sounds so stressed that I feel guilty for getting annoyed. "It's fine, really. Sam and I have been doing pretty good. No need to worry."

"That's nice, I'm sure you need to get to sleep, but I'll call you tomorrow, ok? Tell me if you need anything."

I croak out a soft, "Ok." and "Goodnight." before clicking off the phone.

I stare at the dark screen for a moment, lost in thought. Maybe I should have asked my mom to come home early? But that would be selfish.

I think back to how much of a stalker Clay has been acting like. Showing up at my house, cornering me in the halls, I blocked him, but he's still managed to text and call me from other numbers.

For what feels like ages, I just lay on my bed, thinking.

Eventually, I get bored and remember I said I would text Darryl.

Heyyy I'm sory for nott temxting soomber

Muffin Man
It's fine owo
Watcha doing?

Nothing rly

Muffin Man

I camt have my best bf be named Muffin Man lol

Muffin Man
Why is that even my name in the first place >:o

Reasons :P
Now imma callk u strawberry cuz ur fruity :3

My Strawberry 🍓 <3
What on earth is that supposed to mean? o_O

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