It held some Senbon and a new Yukata in it.

The last stop was the Hyuga compound, he did t need to worry about Gaara, since he had sent his gift to the boy a week prior.

Nodding to the two guards Sasuke walked in, and headed straight for the main house.

It didn't take long for the door to open up and reveal Hinata in a beautiful lavender Kimono, with dark purple flower petals. Her hair was tied up and held together by a purple hair piece.

Sasuke stopped breathing.


He felt under dressed. He was only wearing black trousers and a black T-shirt with the Uchiha fan on the back. Of course his scarf too, but... still..

"Sasuke? Hello?" Hinata tried again, this time waving her hand infront of him. Nothing, Sasuke was stuck in a trance.

"Hinata, it's cold! Who is it!?" Hanabi yelled out poking her head around her sister. "Oh its your crush, come inside will you! It's cold!"

Hinata bloomed bright red at that. "H-hanabi!"

"Well it's true isn't it?" She replied.

Sasuke was pretty sure he was going to pass out soon. Intact he was surprised he had made it this far, but he could see his vision turning black.

Thankfully, a tired Neji pushed passed Hinata and slapped Sasuke across the cheek. Everything was silent but Sasuke was breathing once more, so essentially, Neji slapped the air into him...

"Are you coming inside or not?" Neji asked, ignoring the shocked look on both the girls faces.

"Yeah... thanks," Sasuke muttered. Upon entering he gave Hinata her gift and Neji his. "Here, I'm not staying for long..."

When Neji opened the box, Sasuke swore the boy was going to cry. Inside were two peices of paper. One with a note.

For when you take over the clan

The other was a seal. Or to be more accurate, a description of ways to get rid of a seal. Sasuke wasn't done of course, but he figured it wouldn't hurt to show Neji his progress on getting rid of the Hyuga curse seal.

Hinata's gift was a bit more sentimental for him. Hina pulled out an old, worn book. It had not cover or blurb and looked more like a journal if anything.

"It's my mother's cookbook..." Sasuke all but whispered.

Her eyes widened as she slowly and gently opened the book, she read every word, and gently touched the pages, almost afraid to damage the book more than it already was.

"I... remember you saying how you love to cook and bake... but how you were upset your mother never left behind any recipes behined... so.." Sasuke trailed off.

Hinata held through book tightly and gently in both hands. A sensitive tear fell before she pulled Sasuke into a hug that had his heart pounding.

"I'll take care of it," She whispered, unaware of the Shiver that went down Sasuke's spine. He hugged her tightly but refused to get emotional. There were only so many times he could allow this girl to make him cry with her hugs.

"Are you sure you won't stay for dinner Sasuke?" Neji asked.

Sasuke shook his head. "You enjoy your family dinner, I'm going to head home."

Neji nodded, Sasuke gave Hinata one more hug before he began his trek home.

He breathed in the cool air, allowing that slight stinging sensation to sober him up from the emotional roller coaster that was his feelings. He had finally noticed how numb his arms and ears were, so he decided to head home having done his good deeds of the day.

He had no idea where Itachi was, the older Uchiha having said something about meeting someone in a different land, so it was just Sasuke and Haku for a while.

He opened the door to his apartment only to be bombarded by snowballs.

"Merry Christmas!"

Wiping the snow from his face everyone was there. Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Sai, Naruto, Haku even Kiba, Shino, Lee and Tenten were there.

Behined him Neji and Hinata appeared.

"What! You really thought we'd let you mope around all day!?' Naruto asked.

"He's right, it's a drag to see you looking all depressed," Shikamaru sighed.

"They were here when I arrived," Haku said with a smile.

"Hey don't put all the blame on us!" Kiba shouted.

Sasuke smiled, ot was small but noticeable. His friends wanted him to celebrate with them.

"Merry Christmas," Sasuke muttered to himself.


Happy Christmas guys! Hope you had awesome gifts, spent lots of time with friends and family and washed all your worries away for the new year.

I wann thank you guys so much for sticking around with me and my crazy update schedule.

The goal is for this story to be complete before Summer, so let's hope and pray.

Hope you enjoyed this!

Ja ne! 🌲🌲🌲

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