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It had been a week since amity and Luz's realization of the feeling they have for each other. They were a little awkward now just cause they would get nervous just saying hi to each other but it wasn't bad. Amity pointed out to Luz there was a school get together for the anniversary of the school and it was in 2 weeks. Amity was stressing cause she really wanted to go with Luz and Luz was also stressed cause she wanted to ask amity to go with her. Luz and amity also needed to go buy an outfit for the party, they didn't want to go buy their outfit together since they wanted it to be a surprise.

Luz was searching for a good tux to buy, she had been to many different stores and non yet had caught her eye with a tux. Until she went to one of those stores it was an modern type store and sold many different types of dresses and suits, she was almost about to leave when she found it, a tux that was perfect for her in her opinion it felt like it resembled her she saw and bought it right away. Now that Luz had a tux she hid it in her room for the now week away party, it was kinda like a prom for the kids but still an anniversary.

Amity during this time was also looking for a dress and failing for awhile and just like Luz she had been to many different stores. When she went to the store she finally found her dress at she was kinda impressed with herself it was a beautiful dress and she thought it was the one dress that was her instead of her parents. Let's just say her parents would never let her pick her own clothes and it was terrible so she would go to her friends house and change in the morning when she was in high school.

Now they were both ready but still had yet to ask each other out. And the party was now in 4 days! What were they gonna do, they really cherished their friendship and didn't want it to end just in case one of them didn't feel the same, obviously they did all their friends knew they did when some of them would come over and see amity and Luz hanging out. But lass they were so oblivious and it was dreadful for both of them.

But Luz had enough she built up the courage to ask amity, and she had a plan to do so.


It was the day before the party and also the day Luz was gonna ask amity to the dance. Her plan was simple, take amity to a cafe in the morning spend the day together at the fair and then ask amity at the end of the day on the fairest weal when it's dark to go with her.

Luz woke up and didn't spare a second, she got ready  in an purple and white striped shirt, green jacket, black ripped jeans and grey high top converse, with her rings and silver chains and since Luz already asked amity if she wanted to hang out today she just waited for amity to wake up.

Amity woke up and remembers she is going to hang with Luz today, amity was really excited because she was going to try to ask Luz to go with her to the dance, just like Luz, but, she didn't know that.

Amity started getting ready in an simple lavender purple sweater and brown cargo pants with black converse. Brushed her teeth, hair ect. And the Luz knocked on her bedroom door.

Luz: blight are you done getting ready?

Amity: yeah just hold up, let me get to the door.

Luz: ok

Amity opens the door to see Luz, amity was kinda shocked every time she sees Luz she just gets hotter "WAIT AMITY STOP" amity thought.

Luz also thought amity was hot but her beauty was over powering, they both just stood there looking at each other.

Luz: ok well we should go

Luz said clearly flustered.

Amity: y-yeah let's g-go

Luz and amity started walking to Luz's car, got in, and started driving to the cafe. They got there in about 5 ish minutes and Luz opened the car door for amity.

They went inside, they ordered and sat down.

Luz: hey so blight what's your favorite flower just curious.

Luz says while scratch the back of her head.

Amity: why you wanna get me some

Amity chuckled.

Luz: w-what n-no you wish

Amity: sure noceada, but my favorite flowers are white roses.

Luz: oh ok good to know they are pretty, just like you .

Luz made the last part there quit so amity couldn't hear.

Amity: what was that

Luz: o-oh no-thing

And then their order got called and Luz said she would go get it. When Luz got back and gave amity her drink, they started talking about random things till they left to go to the fair. It was about 2:45 now and they would be at the fair for a while.

Luz: so we are at the fair now, what do you wanna do first m'lady.

Amity chuckled.

Amity: I'm not quite sure yet ma'am maybe some rides?

Luz: ok let's go blight no time to waste, actually we have a ton of time to waste, whatever.

Amity started laughing and soon Luz did too.

They went on a couple of rides first then they stopped and got some food at like 4:30, they were pretty hungry. They started going on rides again, and on one of them, the drop tower amity clung to Luz's hand like her life depended on it, Luz was blushing bright red to say the least. It was starting to get dark since it was now 7:25 so Luz said they should go on the fairest weal, the biggest part of her plan. Also amity was having the most fun, she was really happy and never wanted it to end. Now they were getting on the fairest weal and making their way up.

Amity: Luz, thank you for today it was really fun.

Luz: no problem amity I had a ton of fun too.

Now they were at the top of the fairest weal and Luz was ready to ask amity to the dance.

Luz: also u-uh a-mity I have to a-ask you a-something.

Amity: hmm oh yeah Luz what is it

Luz: ok ok here it goes, a-amity do y-you think you w-would want t-to go to the dance with me.

Luz said quietly so amity did not hear her.

Amity: huh what was that?


Luz said really fast while being a bit loud. Luz was ready for the rejection when she heard the silence but instead.

Amity: YES, I mean yes I would love to go with you l-Luz.

Luz: r-really?

Amity: really

And with that Luz took amity into a big hug.

Luz: oh yay oh yay I was so worried I thought you would say no to be honest.

Amity: I would never I wanted to ask you today as well but I see you are definitely better at it.

They both started laughing the way back down the fairest weal and when the got off amity felt Luz hold her hand while looking away blushing. Amity chuckled and this but she was also blushing. They walked back to the car and drove back to the dorms, today was eventful.


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