The party

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Once Luz got home from Gus's dorm she heard the sound of faint crying, she was confused but knew where it was coming from and wanted to help cause even tho she can be annoying she can also be nice, so she went straight to Amity's room and opened the door to see Amity in her bed crying holding a pillow. Amity must have noticed Luz cause.

Amity:Go away

Luz:Are you okay?

Luz asked in the most caring voice ever that made amity calm down a bit.

Amity:Why do you care, you don't even know me.

Luz:I'm trying to fix that, but first you should tell me what's wrong.

Luz said coming in to Amity's room and sitting on the edge of her bed.

Amity:No I'm showing weakness.

Luz:It isn't weak to cry cause if it was everyone would be weak.

Amity:But I'm Amity blight, daughter of Aldor and Odalia blight.

Luz:I'm sorry but I don't know who they are.

Amity looked at her confused.

Amity:You don't?

Luz:No, am I supposed to?

Amity:Yes we are the most powerful and richest family in all of Bonesburough!

Luz:Jeez sorry didn't mean to upset you there princesa, but still even if they are your parents you still have feelings, so tell me, what's wrong?

Amity:It's nothing I'm just stressed out but thank you Luz, maybe you aren't so bad.

Luz:Was I ever in the first place😉.

Amity:Yes, yes you are very annoying and dumb.

Luz:Wow you say this after I help you!

Luz puts her hand on her heart and other hand on her head and leaned back making Amity giggle a bit.

Amity:Ok you can stop now I'm fine.

Luz:Ok ok... So does this mean we are friends now?

Amity:I guess.

She said in an annoyed tone.


Luz started jumping in the air yet again making amity laugh.

Amity soon realized she really liked Luz tho she would never tell her that, or so she thought.

It had Been a couple days since then and Amity came into Luz's room

Amity: Hey my friend Bosha asked me if I wanted to go to a party at her dorm and I was wondering if you wanted to go to?

Luz: Aww blight do you want me to go with you so you don't miss me

Amity: Shut up and answer me or I'll leave without you

Luz: Ok ok yeah I'll go, why not

Amity: Ok we are leaving in a hour so be ready

Luz: Ok

With that Amity left Luz's room and Luz started getting ready

Luz was wearing no beanie this time, a dark red button up shirt, black jeans, chains, and rings, with the same pair of converse. When she looked at the time she saw it was 10:45 and the party started at 11:00 so she went amity's room.

When she got there she didn't knock on the door and just went inside not expecting to see amity in just her pants and bra.

Amity: GET OUT


Amity: GET OUT!!!!!

Right then Amity's face was covered in her blush,
Amity threw something at Luz and slammed the door .

"OMG LUZ JUST WALKED IN ON ME WITHOUT A SHIRT" Amity was think as she continued getting ready.

Now it was time to go so Luz went to get amity but knocked first this time even tho she didn't mind seeing amity like that but still.

Amity: Come in

Luz: oh wow

Amity: don't gawk to long Noceda

Luz: shut it blight

Amity was wearing a short black dress, a choker and a pair of black doc martens

Amity: i guess you don't look to bad yourself

Luz: thanks blight

Luz: Anyway it's time to go so let's get a move on

Amity: whatever

Luz and Amity were walking to Bosha's dorm already hearing the kids and music. When they got there they knocked on the door and bosha answered

Amity:Hey bosha

Bosha:HE-y Ami-ty wh-o Is Th-at

She said slurring her words.

Amity: this is my roommate Luz I asked if she wanted to go

Bosha: Oh w-ell no-re the ma-rier

Then they went inside, all that they could see was drunk teenagers and make out sessions. But Luz and Amity went and got some drinks and started talking about Amity's parents Luz's fights from old schools ect.

When all of a sudden Bosha got on a chair and said that party games were about to start, and Luz and Amity both agreed they would go and play.

When they got there Bosha said that they are playing 7 minutes in heaven, Amity and Luz both got pretty nervous but played and ways. It had been a few rounds and now it was Luz's turn to spin the bottle, it was spinning and Luz got nervous not know who it would land on, but when it stopped spinning and it landed on her roommate, amity. "As if this couldn't get worse" she thought but continued anyway. At this point Luz and Amity were both blushing hard looking at each other while everyone was screaming at them to go in the closet, so they got up and walked over to it.

Amity was so nervous, when they got in the closet they looked at each other and Luz pushed amity against the wall which made amity groan a little


Luz: what blight, we came in here we know what we have to do

Amity: yeah but I don't think we were we are roommates

Luz: whatever, do you not want to?

Amity: I never said that...

Amity said very quietly so Luz could barely hear her but when she said that Luz smashed her lips against amity's and picked her up with her back against the wall.

Amity moaned into the kiss and then Luz started going down Amity's neck sucking and biting making amity let out soft whimpers.

And then their time was over. Amity and Luz came out and everyone started cheering but they both looked embarrassed to say the least.

( HEY YALL sorry I'm not to good at this writing stuff but I still think I got good ideas anyways if y'all could give me tips or or stuff that would be helpful anyways this is the end of the chapter and I hoped you guys enjoyed see ya later)

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