the meeting i was late for.

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Clearly, I am very bad with time management. I'm supposed to meet my sister, her fiance, and my other sister at 10AM. It's now 9:45.

I was supposed to leave the house fifteen minutes ago, but I'm still throwing on a random pair of jeans. I don't really know how to dress myself well — usually I'd let my better judgment bring out the worst in me and just choose whatever. I make it work, though.

Weddings aren't exactly my expertise, per se. In humbler words, I've had little to no experience with them before. Sure, I've been to a few — one of them being my parents', actually, as they only got married when Sola was born — but I'd never paid much attention, really. I'm now at the age where people invite me to them or hire me as choreographers, however, so I really need to step it up now that I'm a "grownup".

Konon hired me to be her choreographer for some wedding dances. After all, she, of all people, should be aware of my knowledge outside modern dance. I'm quite profound with ballroom dances too, if I say so myself. Hey, my years of working tirelessly in the practice room may be paying off. I'm being paid by my own sister to choreograph a few simple dances. Perfect, no?

The reason she hired me of all people was simply because it was cheaper. Much cheaper than a professional, at least. It doesn't mean I'm not professional — my skills are up there too. It just means she gets to spend less, and I respect her for that. Sure, it's her special day, but my sister has always been stingy. It's just how things are.

I'll also get to meet Mika, Juu's best friend. I'm sure that Mika and Juu have caught up one way or another. Mika's sister is a wedding planner, but wanted Mika to come along too since they work better together as a team.

It makes me regret being late, knowing there'll be a whole team of people gathered there. But it'll work itself out, won't it? I'm the bride's brother anyway — they'll provide me some lenience.

By the time I arrive, everyone else has gathered there, coffees set beside each of them, also with notebooks and pens in hand. Thank goodness I'd come prepared with my own binder notebook and ballpoint pen.

However, what I didn't expect to see, at least, was her, seated off at another table in a cashmere turtleneck — the same one I remember she loved so dearly, especially during the winter times. She, too, had a cup of coffee in her hand, as she absently stared out the glass window, perhaps sensing my presence. Her fashion was impeccable as ever; she was decisive about everything, even to the very colour of her socks. Her outfits were the types that could make an impact from how wonderfully the garments, colors and patterns collided together in a marvelous harmony. That was the very girl — no, the only girl who could make my chest feel like bursting as a gaze of nothing but admiration and love were sent to her direction even with the slightest movement.

It was her. Of course, of all times, she'd show up here, at the meeting I was late for. Probably there for her friends, but all the more impactful. Her presence alone could sweep across an entire estate, turning heads as quickly as they go. And it's a bittersweet thought to know that, at some point, she, too, was mine.

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